Green tea helps you lose weight
Sante Nutrition
Santé becomes but our team of editors and naturopaths remains the same to provide you with the best of natural health !
Protect your intestine with kimchi
The essential role of telomeres in the aging process
How to act and protect telomeres?
And if we planted trees to clean up our environment...
GMOs: what are the health risks?
Top 3 most common nutritional deficiencies
The scientific interest of watercress
Foods that promote the growth of Candida and lead to leaky gut
Dandelion tea fights cancer cells
Laughing can be learned like everything else!
The real interest of the "MISO" in radiotherapy
6 popular household products that promote cancer
Traces of drug residues and pollutants in bottled water
Studies show the benefits of frankincense and myrrh
Products and additives derived from monosodium glutamate (MSG)
Magic Manuka: the healing honey that surpasses all others
The powerful benefits of the avocado
The killer taste: glutamate or umami
These chemicals that make us fat
Beware of the accumulation of additives and the "cocktail" effect!
White, purple or green asparagus: which one to choose?
One yogurt a day....
Soils of GMO crops are depleted