Quand utiliser mon huile essentielle pour diffuseur ?
There are several types of broadcasting and therefore a multitude of different broadcasters. Each technology is different and has its advantages and disadvantages. One method is no better than another and it is up to the user to decide which broadcaster to buy according to his personal preferences and how he will use it.
La méthode par brumisation
Ultra-sound diffusers, or misters, allow cold diffusion of essential oils. Cold diffusion is the most effective because it keeps intact all the aromatic molecules that are soaked into the essential oil. huile essentielle.
Le fonctionnement est le suivant : une pastille située au fond du diffuseur émet une petite vibration à haute fréquence et au-dessus de cette pastille se trouve un petit espace rempli d’eau et d’huiles essentielles. Au contact de la vibration, une brume composée de molécules aromatiques va se former et être libérée dans la pièce.
La méthode par nébulisation
In contrast to the misting method, in which the aromatic molecules are only transported in the air, nebulisation will cause the molecules to burst into the atmosphere. The smoke is therefore much more powerful because the aromatic molecules are not mixed with water. Being lighter, they are deposited directly in the lungs.
La méthode par ventilation
Comme son nom l’indique, cette méthode utilise la ventilation pour souffler de l’air dans la pièce. L’huile essentielle est déposée sur un coton d’ouate dans le diffuseur et celui-ci va souffler un jet d’air à travers le coton imbibé d’huile essentielle pour faire évaporer les molécules aromatiques. Cette méthode existe également sans coton mais avec le flacon inséré directement dans le diffuseur.
La méthode par chaleur douce
Diffusers using the latter method are less efficient but have the advantage of being smaller, more easily transportable and generally quieter than the others. For this method, it is very important to use high quality essential oils to prevent the heat from destroying the aromatic molecules.
These diffusers are useful for small spaces such as cars or small rooms.
Quelle huile essentielle choisir pour mon diffuseur ?
There is no point in having a quality diffuser if you don't have the essential oils that go with it. All essential oils have very specific properties and their smells give different results. It is important to choose your essential oil according to the benefits you wish to obtain.
En voici quelques conseils sur les huiles essentielles à utiliser selon votre besoin :
Se relaxer : l'huile essentielle d'Orange douce, Lavandin
Améliorer le sommeil : l'huile essentielle de Lavande
Assainir l’air : l'huile essentielle de Citron
Rééquilibrer l’énergie : l'huile essentielle de Ylang-ylang
Décongestionner le nez : l'huile essentielle de Menthe poivrée
Éloigner les moustiques : l'huile essentielle de Citronnelle
Apaiser l’esprit :
l'huile essentielle de
Faciliter la médiation :
l'huile essentielle de
Retrouver un bon équilibre hormonal :
l'huile essentielle de
Sauge sclarée
Réconforter :
l'huile essentielle de
It is also possible to mix several essential oils together to combine their benefits, this is called synergy.
Les huiles essentielles a diffuser sont-elles dangereuses ?
Precautions for using an essential oil diffuser
It is best to diffuse the essential oils when there are no babies and children in the room.
Essential oils should be diffused with caution for asthmatic and epileptic people.
It is advisable to leave the door of the room open when diffusing so as not to saturate the air with aromatic molecules.
Do not allow the essential oils to be diffused for too long, but do so in 15-20 minutes increments and no more than 3 times a day.
If you have a pet, give it the opportunity to leave the room during the diffusion.
Not all essential oils are meant to be diffused. It is important to check it on the bottle before use.
Read the instructions for use of the diffuser before using it. Some of them require the addition of water to the container while others do not.
Essential oils can be allergenic. It is therefore advisable to carry out an allergy test before use.
Any use of essential oils on pregnant women must be approved by a doctor.