1. Give preference to environmentally friendly natural materials
Quite a paradoxical intention, isn't it? And yet, wood, glass and stainless steel are far more resistant than plastic . Moreover, these natural materialsarerenewable and when they are stamped with an ecological label, they are usually produced not far from your home, in a responsible way and, icing on the cake, are not harmful to health unlike plastic...
2. Faire ses courses en vrac
On dit que le meilleur déchet est celui que l'on ne produit pas. Le vrac est l'un des premiers gestes éco-responsables à adopter lorsque l'on se lance dans l'aventure zéro déchet. Exit les sachets en plastique et les produits suremballés ! Vous remarquerez par la même occasion que côté prix, c'est souvent plus avantageux...
3. Les sacs en tissu réutilisables
For your fruits and vegetables, bulk grains and legumes and even as a tote bag, cloth bags can easily replace plastic bags although these are now biodegradable or paper (albeit recycled). A hand-sewn fabric bag made from scraps or purchased in a store is a sure bet in your 0-waste kitchen.
4. Adopter une gourde
In glass or stainless steel, water bottles will go everywhere with you! Sometimes isothermal, they keep your drink cool or warm. Gourds come in all colors for all tastes. They really have their place in a life that tends towards zero waste or at least, responsible and aware of ecological issues. Goodbye plastic bottles!
5. Compostez !
Green or organic waste makes great compost! Did you know that it alone accounts for nearly 1/3 of your trash, or about 100 kg per year per person? Instead of being incinerated at the waste treatment center, they can be used in your garden! Even if you live in the city, many residences now offer collective compost bins for residents. So, peelings, ashes, tea, coffee grounds and eggshells can be composted!
6. Réinventer sa manière de cuisiner
How about making vegetable chips from the peelings of your organic carrots? Patties with the leftover vegetables from the juicer? Pesto with organic carrot tops? Some preparations require separating from certain parts of the fruit or vegetable. Instead of gasping, it is possible to create a new recipe! Many books in bookstores and articles on the net can inspire you in this transition.
7. Préparer ses propres produits ménagers
Dishwashing liquid, dishwasher tablet, scouring cream, degreaser etc... It is possible to make your own household products for a zero waste kitchen. In this case, your allies will be natural and raw materials such as baking soda, white vinegar, marseille soap, black soap, etc... Your home-made preparations can then be stored in glass jars, themselves recycled from your previous purchases...
8. Adieu les lingettes
S'il y a bien un objet dans la cuisine qui crée beaucoup de déchets, ce sont les lingettes et le papier essuie-tout. Il est vrai que c'est très pratique mais tellement polluant et peu économique au final ! Une alternative efficace serait leslingettes lavables en microfibre.
9. Swap plastic wrap for reusable film
To preserve the freshness of your dishes and facilitate their transport, an alternative to stretch film exists, it is the fabric coated with wax or the fabric charlotte.