Le gommage, également appelés scrub, se décline en différents produits adaptés à tous les goûts. Ainsi, on le retrouve sous plusieurs formes (en pot ou en tube) et avec différentes textures (en gel, crème ou savon). Pareillement, un gommage différent doit être utilisé pour exfolier le visage ou le corps car la peau n’a pas la même sensibilité.
La peau du visage étant plus fine et plus sensible, il est recommandé d’utiliser un exfoliant doux biologique contenant des petits grains ou de la poudre. Pour le reste du corps où la peau est plus épaisse, un gommage plus ferme est conseillé pour obtenir un résultat plus important.
Gommages : les différentes sortes
There are several types of scrubs to choose from according to your preferences.
Mechanical scrubs: these are the most common in stores. They are composed of grains that are larger or smaller depending on the area they are intended to exfoliate.
Chemical or enzymatic scrubs: these are scrubs based on active ingredients that react chemically to remove impurities from the skin. They are ideal for sensitive skin because they are not composed of grains and are softer.
Natural scrubs: these scrubs can be done at home. They are composed of natural products such as honey, coffee grounds, linseed, sugar or black soap.
Les multiples produits exfoliants pour un gommage plus varié
Black soap: this soap of North African origin is an excellent natural exfoliant suitable for all skin types. For maximum effectiveness, it should be left on the skin for a few minutes and then rubbed (with circular movements) with a horsehair glove or an exfoliating sponge. It also has moisturizing properties.
The horsehair glove: this glove made from horsehair or goat hair (kessa glove) can be used alone or with soap and is an essential product in the bathroom.
Exfoliating creams: they have a double action: they exfoliate the grain of the skin and then release soothing and moisturizing active ingredients for the epidermis. The cream is ideal for skins with dry tendency but can nevertheless be used on oily skins.
Lesgels doucheExfoliating shower gels: when used in the shower, the exfoliating gel acts both as a washing agent and as a scrub. The grains present in this product are generally small for a rather soft action.
Scrubbing oils: these oils combine the use of an exfoliating active ingredient with a nourishing power for the skin.
Exfoliating your scalp: useful or not?
Les cuir chevelu comme tout autre partie du corps a besoin d’un gommage pour éliminer les impuretés présentes dans les cheveux. Les excès de sébum, pellicules et peaux mortes sont retirés des cheveux, les pores du cuir chevelu sont ouverts et aérés, la pousse des cheveux est stimulée… de nombreux bienfaits découlent de l’utilisation régulière d’un gommage du crâne.
Special products for scalp exfoliation are available in different formats on the market and you can also easily perform them at home with products found in your kitchen.
Exfoliation: a few tips for an ideal body treatment
Don't exfoliate too often. Once a week is enough to have visible effects.
An exfoliation is rather carried out on wet skin to avoid irritating the skin.
Apply the exfoliant making small circular massages.
Insist on areas where the skin is thicker (knees, elbows, and soles of the feet).
It is important to apply a moisturizing cream to the skin after exfoliation to restore the protection of the epidermis.