
Supplements for focus and memory

06 Fleur de Bach Cherry Plum - Cherry Plum Organic Demeter
13.80 € 13.80 €
Bach Flower Remedies for your fears and uncontrollable thoughts.
MIDOGEM FORTE - GC25 Spray - organic
15.80 € 15.80 €
To relieve headaches as soon as they appear
MIDOGEM CONFORT - GC24 - organic
22.90 € 22.90 €
To alleviate cerebral tensions
GINKGOGEM - GC08 - organic
22.90 € 22.90 €
Improves concentration
22.90 € 22.90 €
ENERGEM GC28 Organic from Herbalgem is a complex of buds to help you regain energy
Memory - organic - 30 capsules
18.90 € 18.90 €
Capsules with 100% organic essential oils including lavender sage which helps to keep a good memory and preserve cognitive abilities.
Elixir concentration, memory, vitality - Organic
19.20 € 19.20 €
The Concentration Elixir reinforces the physical, mental and intellectual state for an improved memory.
True Lavender (essential oil of) - Organic
13.70 € 13.70 €
Lavandula angustifolia ssp angustifolia
Lavender essential oil - organic
6.30 € 6.30 €
Elle est fréquemment utilisée en parfumerie, en alimentaire et pour nettoyer, calmer et rafraîchir la peau grâce à ses larges propriétés antiseptiques, cicatrisantes et apaisantes
Inner Strength Tea - organic
6.00 € 6.00 €
Hildegarde de Bingen Inner Strength Tea captures you with a soft, delicate sensation of fruity and spicy notes: a skilful blend of white tea and spices. Ginger and licorice have antioxidant properties.
Barley grass powder - organic
13.30 € 13.30 €
Barley grass powder is a concentrate of healthy nutrients: trace elements, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, chlorophyll, fibers, essential amino acids...hence its reputation as a "Superfood".
Spike lavender essential oil - organic
6.00 € 6.00 €
L'huile essentielle de lavande aspic bio est la solution naturelle par excellence pour soulager les piqûres d'insectes et autres animaux venimeux ainsi que les brûlures. Cicatrisante redoutable et régénératrice cutanée très efficace, elle apaise et purifie de nombreuses petites affections de la peau : acné, bouton, gerçure, crevasse, coup de soleil...
16.90 € 16.90 €
For your heart and brain. These Omega-3s are extracted from the oils of cold-water oily fish such as salmon and halibut.
Tonic - organic
17.40 € 17.40 €
Plantes médicinales, l'échinacée est connue pour stimuler les défenses immunitaires, le ginseng comme tonique en cas de fatigue et le ginkgo pour améliorer les performances du cerveau.