Even if it doesn't look like it at first glance, the mushroom is comparable to other vegetables when you look at its nutritional value. It contains potentially beneficial elements for the body but these effects have not been much researched scientifically.
En effet, le champignon a comme caractéristiques d’être :
Low in calories
Rich in vitamins (B2, B3, B5)
Rich in fiber
a source of phosphorus and potassium
Rich in water (93%)
a source of protein and carbohydrates
Pourquoi ajouter les champignons à notre alimentation
The mushroom is a vegetable and this is already a sufficient reason to consume it. But in addition to its interesting nutritional values, it has many other health benefits.
The fibers present in the mushroom are excellent for regulating intestinal transit and preventing constipation. constipation.
The mushroom contains starch (a type of sugar) which, just like fibers, acts on the health of the intestinal flora. flore intestinale.
According to a study, it is possible that certain compounds in the fungus may limit the progression of breast cancer.
Certains champignons (portobello, cremini, blanc et en conserve) contiennent du cuivre et du sélénium. Le cuivre est important dans la formation de l’hémoglobine et du collagène tandis que le sélénium travaille avec les antioxydants contre les radicaux libres présents dans le corps.
Les champignons ont-ils des effets secondaires ?
The disadvantage of mushrooms is that they deteriorate quite quickly if stored improperly. At that time, a bacterium already present in the fresh vegetable develops and releases toxins. A deteriorated product is not easily noticeable because neither the taste, smell nor appearance changes, but it can lead to food poisoning. It is therefore advisable to check that the vegetables are wrapped in a perforated plastic film to allow air circulation. It is also more prudent to eat mushrooms quickly after purchase.
Why are algae part of our diet?
According to the definition "algae are living organisms capable of photosynthesis whose life cycle generally takes place in an aquatic environment". Algae make up a large part of aquatic biodiversity and are at the base of the food chain in both fresh and marine waters.
Today, 21 different species of algae can be found in 11 groups but, to make it simple, they can be separated into four distinct groups.
Blue algae
Brown algae
Red algae
Green algae
Les algues dans l’histoire
The consumption of algae had probably already begun among our ancestors Homo Sapiens even if evidences are lacking to support this theory.
The consumption of sea vegetables is part of the culture of coastal people in China, Japan, Hawaii, Polynesia, Iceland, Siberia and even the United Kingdom. Seaweed was highly valued, especially in times of famine and starvation because it was the main food source.
Despite the popularity of these marine plants in several countries, Europe is still lagging far behind in the consumption of these plants. We owe the appearance of seaweed in our diet to the importation of foreign culinary specialties such as Japanese cuisine and its famous sushi.
Les différents bienfaits des algues sur notre santé
Algae being vegetables, their regular consumption can only be beneficial for our body. Indeed, these sea vegetables contain iodine, antioxidants, fibers and phytosterols. These elements thus act on diabetes, hypertension, excess cholesterol, cardiovascular problems and hormonal concerns.