Water violet ou violette en Français est une plante qui pousse dans les cours d'eau lents ou stagnants, dans les marais et les fossés. Water violet est la fleur de la communication. L'élixir de Bach Water Violet s'adresse principalement à ceux qui pourraient être qualifiés de personnes froides, distantes, intouchables.
Indeed, people with Water Violet vibrancy feel different, not quite fitting in and as a result gradually withdraw from the world and lock themselves away in an ivory tower. The fortress erected around them makes them seem unreachable. But at the same time, it must be admitted that being apart suits them... Paradoxically, this deep feeling of rejection is amplified by the fear of actually being rejected. It's a vicious circle.
Les personnalités Water Violet ont été mises sur un piédestal par les autres et parfois, elles ont du mal à redescendre et à se rendre disponibles. Il y a vraiment cette notion de moi et les autres chez les personnes à la vibration Water Violet. Water Violet dans son état négatif finit par être orgueilleuse, supérieure, enfermée dans leur carapace. Cependant, grâce à l'élixir de Bach, la différence devient un atout et la communication avec le monde extérieur s'installe. Plus de mondanité, seulement de la simplicité et de l'inclusion.
Impatience, Bach's elixir for the impatient (18)
Impatiens is a plant that can reach 180 cm in height and grows along rivers, on banks and in wetlands.
Impatience is the flower of the notion of time. As its name suggests, Impatiens is the Bach Flower related to emotional states of impatienceand sometimes intolerance. Impatiens type people often feel inner frustration when the world around them does not move fast enough. The pace of others is often deemed too slow or at least not fast enough. Impatiens are not the type of people who think before they act. They act and then think...
By taking the Impatiens elixir, you gain diplomacy and tolerance, you respect everyone's pace, as well as your own. Because very often, this impatience is an escape from reality, from the present, a lack of anchoring and all amplified by a need for control. This Bach Flower is also useful for people who feel an inner sense of urgency to live, as if death could come at any moment. By extension, Impatiens effectively accompanies people with death anxiety with all that this implies: over-activity, needing to fill in the blanks, difficulty falling asleep, doing nothing, doesn't get to the end of a process or botches it to string together a new project...
Impatiens puts you back in the present, in your body, in the space-time of the here & now. The Bach flower Impatiens is a great help to become aware of the natural rhythms of each person and that of Nature, your greatest Master.
Heather, the Bach Flower of individuation (14)
Heather ou callune fausse bruyère. Attention à ne pas la confondre avec la bruyère à fleurs rouges. Les fleurs roses mauves de Heather s'épanouissent entre juillet et septembre dans les landes, les anciens marécages et les terrains acides. Heather est la fleur de l'identité. Elle accompagne les personnes qui sont dépendantes, qui ne vivent qu'au travers du regard des autres et qui sont en constante demande d'être rassurées. Elle participe au processus d'individuation en aidant la personne concernée à se forger une identité unique au sein d'un groupe.
People with a bad Heather aspect can be people who talk a lot, who take up a lot of space, who are in demand. They don't realize that they are monopolizing the speaking time. They have an immense need to exchange, to share, to interact. They also need others to feel important, useful, to feel they exist.
By taking heather elixir, the person becomes an independent, listening adult is open to the world. This Bach flower acts as a catalyst. It helps to gain confidence, grow, mature and become independent.