Act on acidosis or tissue acidity

Currently, our society as a whole is trending toward acidosis. Our environment is attacked by acid rain as our body is by all the acidic residues generated by a poor lifestyle.

One of the main origins of our tissue acidity is dietary, but it's not the only one. Stress, lack of physical exercise, but also excessive sports, consumption of drugs or alcohol, overwork, negative thoughts, lack of sleep or even the many pollutions (among others electromagnetic) to which we are subjected promote this state of acidosis.

This accumulation of acid waste clogs and demineralizes the body.

Reputable naturopaths currently claim that acidosis would also result from dehydration or conversely that dehydration would be directly related to demineralization and acidosis.

A known fact is that the mass of our body is made up of 85 to 65% water. On the other hand, it is rarely mentioned that the total number of molecules in the body is made up of 99% water molecules.

We are therefore water beings.


Our tissues and cells are nourished by the circulation of what the ancients called the humours (lymph), as is the elimination of metabolic residues. If these humors are clogged, not only will the tissues be poorly nourished (which will gradually lead to deficiencies and demineralization), but the water we absorb will not fulfill its primary role, which is to transport subtle information in our body.

In order for water, our body's informational highway, to ensure the transport of ions and photonic exchanges (subtle information), our internal environment (our moods) must be clean.

This is why we must be vigilant with regard to our nutritional intake by avoiding polluted foods loaded with toxins, but it is also why we must ensure that our emunctories (the body's outlets: kidneys - intestines - lungs - skin) are open in order to properly fulfill their elimination functions.

So in addition to ensuring absorb healthy food and the most natural possible, we must give our body the opportunity to eliminate toxins (clogging that results from metabolism) and toxic (pollution that comes from the outside) by regularly draining the emunctories so that they remain functional.

Drainage can be done regularly, for example, at seasonal changes or after busy periods (holidays for example). To drain the kidneys, intestines or liver, you can use herbal teas, mother tincture, fruit or vegetable juices in addition to absorbing water as pure as possible (biocompatible).

Practicing saunas, steam rooms or physical activity will help eliminate through the skin (sebaceous and sweat glands). Light sport also helps the lungs eliminate acids.

If all these practices allow elimination of toxins and toxic and thus in part the deacidification of the organism, it is also necessary to take care to absorb alkalizing foods.

There are many books, websites and food lists available to help you learn more about this subject. This dietary aspect is sometimes a bit complicated because we do not all have the same metabolic functioning and some foods will be more acidifying for some people than for others.

Each person should therefore find a suitable rhythm of life, physical or leisure activities and a personalized diet (learn to observe their own metabolic digestive reactions) in order to act on these tissue acidity parameters.

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 18 October, 2015
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