Short history of hydrogenated oils
Sante Nutrition
Santé becomes but our team of editors and naturopaths remains the same to provide you with the best of natural health !
17 herbs and spices to help you with diabetes
What do most honeys have in common?
Blood pressure medication could reduce your life expectancy
Prepare your own natural antibiotic formula
Why don't your genes have the final say about your health?
Blueberries to lower your blood pressure
The importance of fever has been forgotten
Vitamin D deficiency predisposes to depression
The low-sugar diet is an excellent antidepressant
The link between mental health and the gut
Do you know the hydrolats ?
To counteract one of the aging processes...
Manuka honey: a treasure for the health
3 powerful foods to prevent sinus problems
Can iodine deficiency be fatal to your health?
Beware of the side effects of some cold medications
Would you eat your yoga mat or the foam rubber in your shoes?
What about the health of unvaccinated children
The flourishing health of pharmaceutical companies
Are you intolerant to sulfites?
Official Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) for pesticides
How to get rid of heavy metals?
Be careful with fructose, your liver may suffer!