7 steps to start dreaming consciously
Sante Nutrition
Santénutrition.net becomes Santi-Shop.eu but our team of editors and naturopaths remains the same to provide you with the best of natural health !
Even European authorities warn against certain dyes
Adjuvants more toxic than the vaccine itself
Fructose, a synthetic sweetener even less healthy than sugar
Are copper pipes a health risk?
The authorities are complicit in your Vitamin D deficiency
Anti-stress foods that are easy to eat every day!
Hemp oil: the next SUPER oil for cooking and anti-aging?
Mammograms and unnecessary risk of increased cancer risk!
Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Real or Misplaced?
Turn off the lights at night to stay healthy
Autism, still an exaggerated diagnosis
It is essential to protect your eyes
The importance of the place of meals!
Blood fluidity: why is it important?
Smoking: what you need to know and some useful tips!
Fertility disorders: solutions exist!
Myopia: Dr. Schmitz' advice!
Pain: some facts!
Constipation: what to do?
Hypertrophy of the prostate
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and emphysema: a solution exists!
Asthma: Why is it on the rise?
Autoimmune diseases: questions and answers!