How to preserve our enzymatic capital

In addition to breaking down food, we now know that enzymes (especially proteases) directly influence our immune system, since its effectiveness depends on the proper functioning of the intestine, which itself depends essentially on the work done by the enzymes. Often as we age, the stomach produces less hydrochloric acid. This acid is essential for the activation of digestive enzymes. If the stomach mucosa becomes sluggish, the body must compensate for this deficit by drawing on our basic enzymatic capital.

Fortunately, there are several ways to increase or restore our enzyme levels. These include increasing your consumption of raw and living foods, but also eating less and lower calorie foods.

Did you know that nearly 80% of the body's energy is used for digestion? It seems logical that if we reduce the amount of food we eat, we also save a lot of energy

It is imperative to chew food for a long time, because the pre-digestion of food by saliva reduces the workload of the stomach and small intestine. Chewing also stimulates a reflex in the pancreas and other digestive organs that prepares these organs for the arrival of food. Eating slowly and chewing well will help you feel fuller faster, and therefore eat less.

On the other hand, avoid chewing gum because chewing without swallowing anything is a lure for the brain that will order unnecessary work to the digestive organs.

It is obvious that dietary supplements containing enzymes will be welcome to help support our enzymatic system in its enormous work

To ease our digestive and enzymatic system, we should consume at least 75% of raw foods that naturally contain a lot of enzymes. The foods richest in enzymes are germinated seeds because germination develops their enzymatic potential. Among vegetables, cabbage (raw) has the highest enzyme levels and among fruits, papaya, pineapple, mango, kiwi and grapes should be given priority. Think also of avocado, untreated honey which contains the enzymes of the bees' saliva, pollen and first cold-pressed vegetable oils (olive, coconut...). By adopting this type of diet, your body will directly find the amino acids and co-enzymes necessary to stimulate its own enzyme production.

These raw materials contain the energy that your body needs and by adopting this diet, you will considerably lighten the digestive process, which will have an impact on all the enzymatic and physiological processes of your entire body.

Be careful, if you are not used to eating a lot of raw food, it is better to adopt this diet gradually. But one thing is certain, the more natural and raw foods we consume, the more energy we will save and the more our body will thank us with better health.

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 4 March, 2014
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