The importance of the place of meals!
Blood fluidity: why is it important?
Pain: some facts!
Constipation: what to do?
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and emphysema: a solution exists!
Asthma: Why is it on the rise?
Selenium: a miraculous trace element?
Multiple sclerosis (MS): valuable advice!
Flatulence: simple solutions exist!
Acne: there are natural solutions!
Spasmophilia: some useful tips!
Hypoglycemia: what to do?
Hypertension: what are the effective solutions?
Atherosclerosis: what is it? and how to prevent or treat it?
Adapting to the season, a holistic approach
Taking care of your legs.... and how to treat heavy legs
Geobiology, the missing link in health
Beneficial effects of resveratrol
Patients and therapists: a useful reminder about statins
MEDICA MENT: Benzodiazepines
The myth of palm oil
Food allergies: Dr. Schmitz's advice and his secret weapon!
Herbal medicine to help hemorrhoids!
Which minerals to choose when you are deficient?