How to cleanse the liver to lose weight?

Chers Santies,

Did you know that liver detoxification eliminates excess toxins and toxins and has a positive effect on weight loss? poids?  Indeed, the liver is considered a central organ in the body's cleansing process. Today, we're going to share with you some tips and advice on how to cleanse the liver in order to lose weight.

The liver and its role in detoxification

The liver, an essential organ of the digestive system, plays a role in almost 300 vital functions. Blood, rich in various substances mainly from digestion, is transported to the liver via the portal vein.

Liver cells absorb all these molecules. Thanks to specific enzymes, these cells fulfill three main objectives:

  • Synthesis Hepatic cells synthesize a large proportion of blood proteins. from proteins and amino acids in the diet. They also synthesize cholesterol, bile and, in the fetus, red and white blood cells.

  • Storage The body stores glycogen in the hepatocytes and lipids in the form of triglycerides. The latter can then be divided into fatty acids to meet the body's needs. It also stores fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, K, E), as well as iron, copper and vitamin B2.

  • Degradation and purification of toxic substancesThe liver's mission here is to break down toxic substances into non-toxic substances. Toxic substances are broken down into fat-soluble products, which are eliminated in the stool, and water-soluble products, which are eliminated in the urine. This process takes place in 2 phases, as it requires several resources.

Why would cleansing the liver help you lose weight? 

The explanation is simple: the liver is an organ involved in the digestion of fats . The liver then acts on excess fats and stores them. After all this work, the liver eventually becomes fatigued and is unable to perform its functions properly. Overburdened, it will then store excess toxins brought on by an unsuitable lifestyle in fat instead of eliminating them.

Liver disorders may be encountered in parallel with weight gain, which could lead to transit and digestion problems, such as constipation.

By draining the liver you

  • support the work of this body
  • accelerate metabolism
  • destock the toxins and toxins present in fat, which in turn helps you lose weight.

This is why it is often advisable to cleanse the liver in order to lose weight.

When should I do a liver detox?

Whether you're looking to lose weight or simply detox, it's important to choose the right time and method to detoxify your liver.

The ideal time for this is spring. At this time of year, the liver wakes up and begins to eliminate the toxins and fats accumulated over the winter. In winter, our bodies tend to store more, as the liver slows down, as does our metabolism.

It's crucial to take into account our individual cleansing capacity and energy levels. Detoxifying the liver requires a lot of energy from the body, and depending on your state of health, you may not always be able to provide that energy.

In naturopathy, vitality is taken into account before starting a detox. That's why it's essential to follow certain rules before embarking on a weight-loss detox.

 Vitality represents our "energy capital", what keeps us moving and animates us in everyday life. A naturopath can help you prepare for detox and accompany the weight-loss process.

Image of a tree in bloom

Basic principles of liver drainage

If you want to effectively cleanse your liver for weight loss, you'll need to review your diet and habits to avoid continuing to overload this organ. Removing fat from the body makes no sense if you're only going to put it back on immediately afterwards.

It is therefore important to a diet rich in vegetables and fruits feeswhich provide fiber and many essential nutrients. As a general rule, avoid industrial, processed and refined foods that are too fatty and sweet.

It's imperative to reduce or even eliminate alcohol and tobacco consumption, as these are major enemies of the liver.

Finally, be sure to drink pure, high-quality water throughout the day to help your body eliminate toxins. You can add slices of cucumber or a squeeze of lemon to your water for added flavor and a draining, fat-burning action, ideal for weight loss. Herbal teas and vegetable and fruit juices are also good options.

Cleanse your liver to lose weight: Beneficial foods and plants

Certain foods are naturally involved in liver detoxification. They are particularly useful for naturally supporting liver detoxification. They can be incorporated regularly into your daily diet, without excess:

  • le citron
  • le cucumber
  • le pamplemousse
  • the betterave,
  • garlic
  • the lawyer
  • la carrot
  • la coriandre
  • eggplant
  • grapes
  • the apple
  • l'endive
  • escarole
  • as well as oilseeds, which are rich in phosphorus, a crucial mineral for fat breakdown.

    Plants are also valuable allies for effective liver detoxification and weight loss. These include :
  • black radish,
  • artichoke,
  • la fumeterre,
  • le romarin
  • milk thistle,
  • le desmodium,
  • dandelion,
  • birch,
  • le cassis,
  • l'nettle
  • green tea

How often should I cleanse my liver to lose weight?

A liver detox is recommended about 2-3 times a year, ideally in spring or with the onset of autumn. For those who are not accustomed to detox cures or who wish to lose a lot of weight, it's best to start gradually so as not to overload the body and tire it out.

It's advisable to take a break of at least 4 to 6 weeksbetween each cure. Here too, everything depends on your body and the effects you feel during the detox. Sometimes, longer breaks may be necessary.

Liver cleansing for weight loss: the importance of professional support

Before embarking on a weight-loss program by cleansing your liver, it's essential to consult your doctor, especially if you're overweight, in order to identify the causes. It's also a good idea to have a blood test to get an overall picture of your body, so you can target any deficiencies or excesses.

At the same time, it is strongly recommended that you benefit from thesupport of a nutrition professional, such as a dietician, to create a diet tailored to your needs.

A naturopath can draw up a personalized, comprehensive slimming program designed to meet your objectives while respecting your body's needs.

Cleansing your liver to lose weight is not the only solution if you need to lose a lot of weight. It's crucial to adopt a healthy lifestyle, including regular and appropriate physical activity.

Demiraj Elana 8 July, 2024
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