How to detoxify your body in spring with gemmotherapy

Chers Santies,

The spring detox is like the spring-cleaning that takes place in the home as soon as the first sunny days appear: it's a time to purify and eliminate anything that may have accumulated in the body during the winter.hiver

As the sap rises from the bowels of the earth bourgeons appear and the sun rises in the sky, the same thing happens in your body with your vital energy. Who hasn't felt that surge of renewal at the first signs of spring?

Why do a spring detox?

La detox is to help your body resist and adapt to changes in temperature and living conditions. 

When to use it?

A complete detox in spring and autumn is generally recommended.

What are the effects? Detoxing improves mood, sleep and cognitive faculties (memorization, etc.), concentrationIt also helps relieve skin problems, digestive disorders and chronic inflammatory diseases.

Focus on the emunctories

In naturopathy, we often speak of detoxing or draining the organs by automne or spring. But which organs exactly? These are the emunctories, in other words, the purifying organs, of which there are 6:

  • the liver
  • les reins

  • les intestins

  • the lungs

  • the skin

  • the uterus

Les emunctories are therefore purifying organs. Like exit doors, they enable your body to eliminate all toxins in order to maintain the subtle internal balance known as homeostasis. Metabolic waste from cellular degradation, as well as additives, preservatives, colorants, petrochemical molecules, heavy metals, etc., pass through these different organs.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, spring is associated with liver energy. Interestingly, this is the season when liver-stimulating wild plants such as dandelion for example. 

Indeed, the liver has been put to the test in the preceding months, between the end-of-year festivities, the copious, drunken meals, the chocolatsIt can be caused by a lack of light, reduced physical activity, dietary compensations... We need to help it cleanse the blood and purify the body.

DEPURAGEM, an organic bud complex

Herbalgem has perfected a synergy of two bourgeons and two mother tinctures to help the body eliminate toxins naturally. 

DEPURAGEM is therefore composed of :

  • Romarin : hepato-stimulant plant par excellence. It activates exchanges and the elimination of toxins by the liver. It is tonic and has a warm, yang energy. Rosemary bud is recommended for hepatic and emotional detox. 

  • Juniper : this plant acts directly on the kidneys. It activates diuresis and also acts on the liver. It is the remedy for people with a tendency to accumulate (literally and figuratively).

  • Le Pissenlit : wild spring plant whose bitterness stimulates appetite and digestion. Dandelion is depurative and hepatostimulant. 

  • L'Artichoke : An "alicament" to be added to every spring plate, it rebalances cholesterol levels and normalizes biliary function. Its mother tincture acts as a detox catalyst. 

Supporting spring detox

A detox is more than just taking a few drops in a glass of water. It's a state of mind to be adopted and, above all, to be maintained over several days or even weeks, with ups and downs. To accompany it, you'll need to adapt your diet to be as lively and raw as possible (raw, lightly cooked or cooked in a vitalizer, vegetable juices, sprouted seeds, oilseeds), with no processed products or added sugar. Cereals should be eaten sparingly and according to your Hippocratic temperament.

On the other hand, le sportssauna/hammam, dry brushing and lymphatic drainage are all practices that can support your detox. 

Finally, the detox is also happening on other levels! Take advantage of this period to sort out your closets, your papers, your relationships, your projects... and why not try the digital detox (cut yourself off from screens) to reconnect with your essential self!

Alexia Bernard 23 April, 2024
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