The liver, pillar of our health or the natural remedies of Dr. Schmitz!
There is squalene and squalene... A story related to vaccines!
Chemical statins: natural alternatives?
The attitude of modern medicine towards cancer
How to preserve our enzymatic capital
Electro-sensitivity, a 6th sense lost during evolution
Link between scheduled cesarean delivery and bronchiolitis
Antibiotics: are there natural alternatives?
Barefoot: better statics and a real energy contribution, all benefits!
The real risks of cell phones and how to protect yourself? Some VERY useful tips
Cranberry, another powerful antioxidant, fights urinary tract infections.
Muscle damage caused by statins: natural alternative?
Gluten and casein: guilty?
The importance of reinforming and renewing the body's silica
7 steps to start dreaming consciously
Even European authorities warn against certain dyes
Adjuvants more toxic than the vaccine itself
Fructose, a synthetic sweetener even less healthy than sugar
Are copper pipes a health risk?
The authorities are complicit in your Vitamin D deficiency
Mammograms and unnecessary risk of increased cancer risk!
Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Real or Misplaced?
Autism, still an exaggerated diagnosis
It is essential to protect your eyes