Phytotherapy: what are the benefits of fennel?

Chers Santies,

Fennel is a vegetable prized for its fleshy, melt-in-the-mouth, aniseed-flavored part. But did you know that this aromatic plant has many phytotherapeutic virtues? Without further ado, let's discover all its benefits!

Fennel: first essential details

Le fenouil, du nom latin Foeniculum vulgare, appartient à la famille des apiacées et est originaire du bassin méditerranéen. Racines, feuilles, graines, toutes les parties sont comestibles. Mais les graines sont les plus intéressantes à consommer en phytothérapie !

Image of fennel

Fennel seeds

Les graines de fenouil sont les fruits de la plante. Et c'est essentiellement elles qui sont sources de bien-être pour l'Homme. Ses vertus sont d'ailleurs connues depuis l'Antiquité. Les médecins de la Grèce antique l'ont introduite dans l'utilisation médicale. Les Romains, le Moyen-Orient et l'Asie, ont suivi cet exemple.

La récolte des graines de fenouil

Cette plante se cultive facilement sur un sol ordinaire et bien drainé. La floraison du fenouil a lieu entre le mois d'août et de septembre.  Elle donne alors de petites fleurs jaunes, berceaux des petites graines. 

Astuce : pour récolter les graines encore fraîches et vertes, il est recommandé d'attendre le mois d'août à octobre. N'attendez pas que ces dernières sèchent et que leur couleur devienne brune. 

To harvest :

  1. Cut off the umbels and leave a fairly long part of the stem.
  2. Place the stems upside down in a bag (ideally a paper bag).
  3. Store them in a warm, dry place to allow the seeds to dry. The seeds will then fall to the bottom of the bag.
  4. Store seeds in a paper bag or glass jar, away from moisture, heat and light.
  5. You can then use them in cooking, in herbal teas or replant them.

How to eat fennel seeds?

Fennel seeds have a slightly sweet taste, reminiscent of aniseed. Apart from cooking, they also have a place in traditional herbal medicine, where once crushed, they are used in infusions. Fennel comes in various forms:

  • dried seeds: which can be crushed to make them edible. Capsules correspond to this form, and are easy to take.
  • in the form of liquid extract, fennel honey, essential oil, syrup and deodorant. mother tincture.

Pour remplacer le fenouil dans vos plats, vous pouvez opter pour des feuilles de fenouil ou encore de l'anis. Elles vous permettront d'obtenir cette saveur anisée.  Les graines d'aneth, la racine de réglisse ou les graines de Carvi sont aussi de bonnes alternatives. 

Image of fennel seeds

The benefits of fennel seeds

  1. In digestion: they help support digestion and flatulence. They have a positive effect on digestive health, the digestive tract, appetite and elimination.
  2. Femininity: these seeds help keep the breast healthy during breastfeeding and support the production of breast milk. They also play a role in cycle menstruel and a calm, comfortable menopause.
  3. In the urinary sphere: they contribute to urinary flow and normal urinary elimination functions. They contribute favorably to the excretory function of the kidneys, urinary elimination and renal elimination functions.
  4. Un antioxydant : elles contiennent des flavonoïdes, phénols et lignanes qui aident à neutraliser les radicaux libres. 
  5. Buccodental and natural defenses: these seeds support natural defenses, enable easy expectoration and have a soothing, pleasant effect on the vocal cords, throat and pharynx.
  6. Pour maigrir : les fibres contenues dans les graines aident à réguler l'appétit.

Le fenouil et ses graines vont, de manière générale, permettre une digestion facile et apporter leur aide pour retrouver un ventre plat en agissant sur l'excès de gaz. La particularité, c'est que parallèlement, ils vont stimulent l'élimination et donc, les excès d'eau dans les tissus, agissant sur la cellulite.

It should be noted that fennel seeds help you feel full, as they are rich in fiber. Weight loss is also supported by other elements they contain, such as thevitamins beta-carotene, B9, C and E, andminerals (calcium and potassium). minerals (calcium and potassium).

It's important to eat a healthy, balanced diet and exercise regularly, because fennel seeds are even more effective. In fact, fennel seeds stimulate the body, increasing combustion.

Finally, you can use this vegetable in salads, dishes or as an infusion to enjoy its benefits. The ideal options are to chew a few seeds, or in the form of an infusion.infusion

Les précautions à prendre

  • Like all plants, fennel seeds must be eaten with care.
  • Talk to your doctor before starting to eat fennel seeds on a regular basis.
  • It is not recommended to consume more than 7 grams a day for prolonged use, i.e. 2 weeks or more, without the advice of a physician.
  • Fennel seeds are not recommended for pregnant women or those with specific medical conditions.
  • They are also not recommended for people sensitive to plants in the Apiaceae family, such as celery, carrots and coriander.

How to make herbal tea with fennel seeds?


  • 150 ml water
  • 1 to 3 grams of fennel seeds, or about a teaspoon.


  1. Coarsely crush the fennel seeds.
  2. Boil the water.
  3. When boiling, place the fennel seeds in the water.
  4. Leave to infuse for about 10 minutes, covered.

This infusion can be drunk on an occasional basis after a heavy meal, for example. For a more general effect, you can also drink 2 to 3 cups a day over a short period.

Demiraj Elana 31 May, 2024
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