Ashwagandha is a plant that has been used in Ayurveda for thousands of years. This plant medicine tradtional from India is recommended to combat states of chronic fatigue and stress to improve overall vitality naturally. Zoom in on the virtues of this plant that is all the rage in naturopathy practices.
Présentation de l'ashwagandha
Ashwagandha means "strong as a horse" in Sanskrit... The tone is set! Withania somnifera of its name botanical is a small yellow-flowered shrub that grows mainly in India and North Africa.
In phytotherapy, it is the actual roots concentrated with active ingredients and sometimes the leaves that are used in medicinal preparations. Ashwagandha is also called the Indianginseng.
L'ashwagandha, un remède naturel qui régule le stress
During chronic stress, the adrenal glands become exhausted from secreting cortisol. The body no longer responds to anything , vitality collapses as well as all organic functions. It is the general exhaustion. Rest is no longer enough, we must act at the cause and support the body in its resilience.
Ashwagandha is one of those plants that supports the body by lowering cortisol levels during stress. Thus, all people suffering from anxiety, sleep problems, attention disorders or concentration, who feel exhausted, drained, at the end of their rope physically and emotionally, will regain strength and vitality with this natural remedy (in addition to appropriate hygiene measures and psychological work)
L'ashwagandha, une plante adaptogène
There are plants known as adaptogens in traditional pharmacopoeias around the world. These particular plants possess regulatory properties that allow the body to regain its internal balance (homeostasis).
As such, it will calm the anxious and stimulate the exhausted. Ashwagandha is known to be an effective regulator of the nervous, immune, cardiovascular, hormonal and reproductive systems.
L'ashwagandha chez les convalescents
People recovering from convalescence regain vitality after a course of ashwagandha. Its antioxidant effects fight the harm of free radicals and the premature aging they induce.
Ashwagandha is also immunostimulant by increasing white blood cell production. It will therefore be of interest to those suffering from recurrent infections.
Finally, it is also known to be anti-inflammatory .
When ashwagandha interests researchers
L'ashwagandha et diabète
One study (1) demonstrated in vitro that ashwagandha could stimulate insulin production while improving muscle cell sensitivity to it. In addition, another study (2) demonstrated in a small group of people with type 2 diabetes a decrease in fasting blood sugar as effective as some commonly prescribed medications after 30 days of ashwagandha powder supplementation.
L'ashwagandha et hypothyroïdie
According to one study (3), ashwaghanda would raise T3 and T4 levels in male mice and only T4 in female mice. Although there has not yet been a human trial, these results are still encouraging.
Comment prendre l'ashwagandha
Ashwagandha is most commonly found as a dried, powdered root to be added directly into drinks or smoothies or packaged directly into capsules.
The dosage depends on your problem and the manufacturer's recommendations.
To be taken in the morning for a toning effect and in the evening to soothe.
Comment potentialiser les bienfaits de l'Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha taken alone is not enough. In naturopathy, we look for the cause of the disorders in order to act on it as a priority. Consuming dietary supplements of ashwagandha without reviewing your lifestyle will greatly limit its field of action and its effectiveness.
Thus, it is recommended to:
eat "alive", i.e. raw or lightly cooked if your stomach and intestines tolerate it, lots of fruits and vegetables, sprouted seeds, algae, little meat...
get some fresh air every day, get some sun, go for a walk in the fresh air
hydrate mainly outside of meals
practice a gentle physical activity such as yoga, gentle gym, dance, pilates, walking, tai chi, gi-qong...
have daily rest periods: sufficient and restorative sleep, short naps, cutting out screens, doing a digital detox, reading, meditating, contemplating, observing nature etc...
It is not recommended to consume ashwagandha continuously for more than 3 months . In this case, it is advised to take 1 to 3 month courses of treatment and then allow the body to rest before starting a course of treatment again. Beyond 3 consecutive months, there have been reported cases of increased thyroid hormone levels.
Due to a lack of scientific literature on the subject of pregnant and nursing women as well as children, it would be prudent not to consume it at these particular times of life.
(3) Panda S, Kar A. Changements dans les concentrations d'hormones thyroïdiennes après administration d'un extrait de racine d'ashwagandha à des souris mâles adultes. J Pharm Pharmacol. 1998 Sep;50(9):1065-8. // Panda S, Kar A. Withania somnifera and Bauhinia purpurea in the regulation of circulating thyroid hormone concentrations in female mice. J Ethnopharmacol. 1999 Nov 1;67(2):233-9.