What to do about dark circles under the eyes?
Des recettes et des astuces !

Chers Santies,

Dark circles, often perceived as simple signs of fatigue, can actually reveal much more about our lifestyle and health. This article explores in depth the causes of dark circles and offers natural solutions to alleviate them. We'll also share a beauty routine including a dark circle gel recipe to easily integrate into your daily routine.

What are dark circles? Definition and origins

Dark circles are mottled or darkened areas under the eyes, varying in color and depth. Their appearance is mainly due to poor blood and lymph circulation in the subcutaneous tissues of this particularly delicate area of the face.

Lymph, a fluid that circulates parallel to the blood and helps eliminate waste, can accumulate and stagnate, forming pigments visible under the very thin skin of the eyelids. These color changes can range from blue to violet, yellow and even brown, reflecting the different characteristics of subcutaneous blood circulation and melanin levels.

Understanding the nature and causes of dark circles is essential to choosing the most appropriate treatments and restoring a luminous, relaxed look.

Why do we get dark circles? Multiple causes

Dark circles under the eyes can result from a variety of factors, underscoring the importance of a personalized approach to their treatment. Among the most common causes,heredity plays a significant role, particularly in people with Mediterranean where this characteristic is often more pronounced. However, modern lifestyles also contribute significantly to their appearance.

Le lack of sleep is a typical culprit, leading to poor blood and lymph circulation, making subcutaneous blood vessels more visible and their contents darker. Likewise, an unbalanced diet dehydrationStress and even the abuse of substances such as alcohol and tobacco can deteriorate skin quality and accentuate the appearance of dark circles.

Lifestyle: an unbalanced diet, alcohol consumption, smoking, excessive exposure to screens and stress can all cause blood circulation to stagnate, leading to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

Dehydration: tissue water retention is created when lymph doesn't circulate properly. If the body does not receive the necessary hydration, this excess water is not eliminated, leading to the formation of dark circles under the eyes

Age: as skin ages, it becomes thinner and loses elasticity as less collagen is produced.

Images of dark circles

Different types of dark circles require different treatments

Dark circles are not uniformly present in every individual. So it's essential to categorize them for more targeted treatment.

  • Hollow circles often result from loss of volume under the eyes due to aging or other factors, creating shadowy areas that accentuate the impression of fatigue.
  • Dark circles are generally due to an accumulation of fat under the eyes, forming visible bags.
  • Blue or violet circles reflect the visibility of blood vessels under the thin skin of this area.
  • Yellow or brown circles often involve excess melanin or deeper pigment alterations.

Tips and habits to avoid dark circles

Preventing the appearance of dark circles involves adopting a series of good practices on a daily basis.

  • Diet plays a crucial role: choose foods rich in iron, vitamin C, vitamin E and antioxidants to strengthen blood vessels and improve skin quality.
  • Restorative sleep is essential : make sure you sleep between 7 and 8 hours a night in a quiet, darkened environment. Lack of sleep can accentuate dark circles by slowing lymphatic and blood circulation around the eyes.
  • Hydration: not to be neglected. Drinking enough water every day helps maintain skin elasticity and reduce water retention, which can contribute to the appearance of under-eye bags.
  • Sun exposure: we recommend avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun, and applying total sun protection to the skin to protect it and limit the formation of dark circles under the eyes.

By incorporating these habits into your daily routine, you can not only reduce the appearance of existing dark circles, but also prevent them from forming in the future.

Natural remedies for dark circles

For those who prefer gentle, natural solutions, there are several effective remedies for reducing dark circles.

  • Cucumber, known for its moisturizing and soothing properties, can be applied directly to the eyes in the form of fresh slices to reduce inflammation and refresh the area.
  • Coffee is another natural option. Mix a teaspoon of coffee grounds with a teaspoon of yoghurt and a few drops of lemon juice to make a dark circle mask before your moisturizer. This mixture should then be left in the fridge for 1 hour before applying to dark circles. After a few minutes, you can rinse it off. This mask can be applied once a week.
  • Cold: helps to stimulate fluid circulation and decongest puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. To do this, place ice cubes in a tissue and apply to dark circles for a few minutes. Alternatively, place a steel spoon in the freezer and apply to the eyelids.
  • Hydrosol compresses: the two hydrosols that are most effective in deflating the tissues around the eyes and reducing dark circles are Cornflower and Chamomile hydrosols. Place a few drops of Cornflower and Chamomile hydrosols evenly on a cotton pad and apply as compresses to the eyes (avoiding mucous membranes to avoid irritation). Leave on for a few moments, then continue with your moisturizer.
  • Les vegetable oils : calophylla and hemp vegetable oils are used to tone blood circulation, while bellis oily macerate is used for its tensing effect. 
  • Les essential oils :  we have rose essential oil, which has moisturizing properties for the skin, and sandalwood essential oil, which moisturizes and revitalizes the skin while reducing eyelid puffiness. For this solution, add 2 drops of rose or sandalwood essential oil to a bowl of hot water, cover your head with a towel to prevent the steam escaping and inhale. 

Beauty routine for dark circles: essential steps

For an effective treatment of dark circles, we suggest you take a bath in rose or sandalwood essential oils and apply a coffee grounds mask once a week. once a week. You can then apply cucumber slices or ice cubes.

In the morning: wake up your skin and eyes with cornflower or chamomile hydrosol. Apply a treatment based on calophylla plant oil and essential oils to deflate the eyelids, and continue with an eye contour massage, smoothing towards the temples to drain. Finish by tapping to encourage penetration of the active ingredients.

In the evening

  • Step 1: Remove eye makeup with a gentle cleanser.
  • Clean with thehydrolat de Cornflower or Chamomile. You can leave the compresses soaked in hydrolat for a few minutes.
  • Apply your moisturizer for the eye contour as well as your moisturizer.

DIY: Recipe for an effective anti-dark circle gel for the eye contour area


A bowl, a mini whisk, a mini funnel and a 10 ml roll-on bottle


  • Calophylla vegetable oil 2.9 ml
  • Bellis oily macerate 2 ml
  • Aloe Vera Gel 5ml
  • Petit Houx hydroglycerine extract 10 drops
  • Vitamin E 1 goutte


  1. Make sure your hands are washed and your work area disinfected.
  2. Disinfect equipment and roll-on with methylated spirits.
  3. Add each ingredient to a bowl, making sure to mix well between each addition.
  4. Transfer the mixture to a roll-on bottle using a mini funnel.
  5. Petit Houx EHG activates microcirculation, helping to drain and decongest puffiness and dark circles around the eyes.

Precautions for use: perform a skin test before use to prevent any allergic risk. To perform the test, apply a dab of the mixture to the crease of the elbow. Then wait 24 to 48 hours to check for any reaction. If you have a reaction, do not use the product.

Conclusion: Towards a fresh, rested look

Fighting dark circles requires a thorough understanding of the underlying causes, as well as a holistic approach that includes both lifestyle changes and the use of specific remedies. By adopting a balanced diet, sufficient rest, good hydration and adequate protection from the sun, you can prevent and reduce the appearance of dark circles.

Demiraj Elana 14 June, 2024
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