5 Tips to quit smoking naturally

The decision is made, you want to stop smoking? Here are 5 naturopathic tips to stop smoking naturally to know that a smoking cessation therapy goes through :

  • a rebalancing of the diet

  • good hydration

  • An increased intake of micronutrients.

  • physical exercise

  • psycho-emotional support.

Conseils alimentaires pour arrêter de fumer et ne pas prendre de poids

The tobacco is a drug that numbs the nervous system. Nutritional deficiencies participate in the creation of stress that will amplify theaddiction to smoking. Stress as well as an unbalanced diet are major consumers of nutrients. Thus, tobacco consumes a lot of vitamins and trace elements. The more one smokes, the more one draws from the reserves vitamins C, B, zinc and selenium.

At best, all foods will be organic or "garden" quality.

Smokers have an acidic terrain which maintains the want to smoke. It is therefore recommended to rebalance the acid-base balance by insisting on alkaline products. 

  • To put on the plate: fruits and vegetables raw or little cooked, sprouted seeds, seaweeds, datesYou should also include the following in your diet: oilseeds (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, cashew nuts, etc.), quinoa, herbs, whole grains, coconut sugar, wheat germ. 

  • Foods to limit: red meat, wheat, dairy products, deli meats, offal, strong and overly fermented cheeses, chocolate, tea, white sugar, white flours, all-prepared foods, pastries...

During the withdrawal period, stop the consumption of coffee, alcohol, sugar, sodas, sweets, cakes, chocolate bars because it calls the cigarette and their effects are close to that of tobacco in the nerve cell. 

You can, however, take 1 to 2 squares of dark chocolate 75%. per day. 

If, during weaning, drowsiness, heartburn, migraine appear... it is a sign that the body is resuming its curative functions. An intoxication, a dependence lasts and settles only on a deficient ground both physically and psychologically. 

Une alimentation riche en fibres pour éviter de prendre du poids. 

  • Gradually increase the amount of raw vegetables and fruits and eat them only at the beginning or between meals (especially not as a dessert, this is important). Fiber is filling and provides few calories. 

  • Prefer whole or semi-complete flours. 

  • You can sprinkle your dishes with wheat germ flakes for an intake of B vitamins that rebalance the nervous system and improve skin quality.  

  • In case of cravings, you can make yourself a mixture ofoilseeds  to nibble on if the urge arises. 

  • In cigarettes, there are many additives including sugar. This is one of the reasons why some people compensate with sweets when they quit smoking... 

2. L'hydratation, une clé importante pour arrêter de fumer 

The calming effects of tobacco on the nerve cell come from the nicotine. The latter being water soluble, it will be necessary to wash it out to avoid the residual nicotine activating the need to smoke.

During weaning, it is important to drink 2 liters of water a day between meals. You can flavor this water with the juice of half a lemon or plants that promote expectoration of pulmonary mucus (thyme, eucalyptus ...), calming or sedative (valerian)

Furthermore, in addition to diluting the nicotine, drinking curtails the habits associated with the mechanical gestures of the smoker and allows the less pressing cravings to pass. Indeed, a craving rarely lasts more than 10 minutes. 

3. Complémentation pour aider à l'arrêt de la cigarette 

As mentioned above, the cigarette is a great consumer of vitamins and trace elements. 

It is therefore necessary to supplement with vitamin C: up to 2g acerola per day to be divided between breakfast and lunch. 

The Kudzu is a Chinese plant traditionally used in cases of weaning for its calming effects thanks to its content of flavonoids that have an action on the central nervous system. 

4. Exercice physique pour accompagner le sevrage du tabac

It is important during the withdrawal phase to exercise to, not only oxygenate but also activate the blood and lymphatic systems in the detoxification process

In addition, doing physical activity stimulates the production of serotonin which is also called the good mood hormone.

5. Accompagnement psychologique et soutien émotionnel 

Hypnosis is one of the best known techniques with acupuncture to get rid of the cigarette. These methods work on the reprogramming of the unconscious for one and on the energy networks for the other. 

Sophrology can also accompanywithdrawal

Flower essences (Bach flowers, Australian Bush, Deva laboratories etc...) can be great supports in this phase that can sometimes be stressful. 

In herbal medicine, valerian has a sedative action, passionflower is calming, St. John's wort is anti-depressant. Peppermint essential oil in olfaction lightens the mind and "refreshes" the ideas.

Consider removing anything in your home that reminds you of cigarette

Finally, it is important to reward yourself, to please yourself, to congratulate yourself! Because yes, be proud of yourself for taking care of yourself!

Alexia Bernard 12 July, 2021
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