2 Do-It-Yourself Anti-Mosquito Essential Oil Blends

Chers Santies, 

What if I told you that it's possible to make your own blends? essential oils repellents capable of repelling mosquitoes in a frighteningly effective way?

With summer evenings fast approaching, you're probably dreaming of enjoying every moment undisturbed by those pesky little insects. In our previous article, we explored the various anti-mosquito plants. 

Discover Our Previous Article

In this article, we'll transform your home into a haven of peace mosquito repellent thanks to essential oils powerful. Discover two simple and effective recipes for making your own repellent blendsrepellent blends, combining natural ingredients with optimum protection. Get ready to say goodbye to bites and hello to peaceful evenings.

Bottle of essential oil

Recipe n°1: Repellent Skin Oil

To begin, you will need 8ml of vegetable oil of Calendula or Calophylle (which is naturally repellent). Then add : 

Apply between 5 and 10 drops of this mixture directly to mosquito-exposed areas of skin . You can repeat the application up to 4 times a day. Suitable for adults and children over 6 years of age.

Precautions for use on Repellent Skin Oil

This blend is not recommended for pregnant or breast-feeding women or children under 6. 

Essential oil blend for diffusion

To make a blend of essential oils for diffusion, mix the following in your diffuser diffuser : 


  • This synergy is reserved for children over 6 (+6 years) and adults. 
  • For children over 3 years of age (+ 3 years), simply diffuse a mixture of Java lemongrass and True Lavender.

Tip : essential oils can also be sprayed onto clothing. To do this, take a clean spray bottle and fill it halfway with water. Then take the essential oils listed above and mix them in the bottle. Shake well before each use.

This mixture is to be sprayed onto clothing only.

It's also possible to choose just one essential oil to spray. In this case, opt for True Lavender or Lemongrass, which are good mosquito repellents and suitable for the whole family.

Demiraj Elana 29 July, 2024
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