Declare war on mosquitoes with these miraculous plants!

Chers Santies, 

Are you too tired of spending your summer evenings scratching and chasing mosquitoes ? Look no further! There are anti-mosquito plants that will not only beautify your garden, but also chase away those little flying vampires.

In this article, we reveal the mosquito repellent super-plants that will transform your outdoor space into a veritable anti-biting fortress

Get ready to say goodbye to mosquitoes and hello to quiet, pleasant summer evenings!

Anti-mosquito scents

If there's one smell mosquitoes hate, it's lemon! That's why Citronella is the best anti-mosquito plant . However, there are other plants whose powerful aromatic scent can keep these insects away. These are generally plants rich in essential oils, such as those belonging to the Lamaceae family.

Anti-mosquito plants

Image of Citronella

1. Lemongrass (Cymbopogon Citratus)

Citronella is the star of mosquito repellent plants! Itslemony scent scares mosquitoes away. 

However, growing it in our gardens can be a real challenge, as it's a tropical plant that doesn't do well in our humid climates. 

Use of the lemongrass 

We can always use it as aessential oil ! It contains Citronnellol, the molecule responsible for thelemony scent that keeps mosquitoes away. Citronella essential oil can be diffused indoors or applied to the skin, provided it is first diluted in a vegetable oil.

2. Lemon balm (Melissa Officinalis Aurea)

Recognized for the same repellent properties as citronella, lemon balm resembles mint and is distinguished by its pretty golden foliage and pronounced lemony scent. You can also find it in essential oil form. Perfect for diffusing or applying to the skin, after diluting in a vegetable oil.

Using Lemon Balm

Thanks to its ability to adapt to our climate, Lemon Balm will suit any location in your home: in the sun, in the shade, in the garden or by the window. It can be planted directly in the garden or in a pot.

3. La Verveine Citronnelle (Aloysia Citrodora).

Lemon Verbena is also ideal for keeping mosquitoes at bay

Its strength? Its lemony fragrance. You can plant it in a pot and bring it inside in winter. 

Use: Lemon Verbena can be placed in your garden during the mild season, on your windowsill, or in rooms throughout your home.

4. Le Basilic Citron ( Basilic Citriodorum)

No matter what type of Basilic you choose, you can be sure that it will be effective. However, Basil Lemon will be a little more effective, as it contains a large quantity of strong-smelling essential oil. 

Use: Lemon Basil needsat least 5 hours of sunlight. A window sill is the ideal spot. However, the garden can also be considered if you are certain that the conditions will be met. 

Lemon Basil in the form ofessential oilIt can be used as a vapour or incorporated into a vegetable oil for cutaneous application. 

5. Lemon Eucalyptus

Characterized by its powerful scent lemon, l'Lemon Eucalyptus is a practical mosquito repellent. However, it is not a tree that is easily found in our gardens.

Use : Lemon Eucalyptus is used in the following forms of essential oil, which can be diluted in vegetable oil and applied to the skin. It can also be diffused diluted with other repellent essential oils.

6. Worry (Calendula Officinalis)

Known as an invasive plant, Marigold is also an effective mosquito repellent thanks to Pyrethrin, an important repellent molecule. 

Use: in a window pot or in the garden. 

L'Calendula vegetable oil (Marigold) can be used as a carrier for essential oil blends to be applied to the skin. It also relieves bites. 

7. La Lavande (Lavandula Officinalis).

Repellent to mosquitoes and other insects such as lice, fleas and moths. Requires sun and poor, well-drained, stony soil. In essential oils, you'll find lavenders aspic and the lavender officinalis (called Fine Lavender ou True lavender) which can be useful for itchy bites. 

How to use :

  • Broadcasting
  • Diluted in a vegetable oil for application to the skin
  • In the form of a spray based on water and essential oil of lavender Spray on household linen.
  • Bonus: add a few drops of lavender essential oil to your washing machine. 

8. La Menthe (Mentha Spicata)

Although all mints can be effective, Algerian mint stands out for its spicy scent. Mint can be grown in any type of soil, and thrives best when placed in part shade. L'essential oil of peppermint is the ideal solution against mosquitoes. 

How to use : 

  • In the garden or in a window pot.
  • L'Peppermint essential oil can be diffused into indoor air, but never pure. In fact, it should be used in conjunction with a blend of repellent essential oils. 
  • For cutaneous application: Peppermint essential oil must be diluted well in a water-based detergent. huile vegetable oil (10% mint essential oil to 90% vegetable oil).

9. Le Romarin (Rosmarinus Officinalis)

Thanks to its powerful aroma romarin repels mosquitoes. It grows best in sunny climates.

How to use : 

  • In the garden or in a pot by the window.
  • Rosemary Camphor essential oil is preferred for diffusion.
  • Cutaneous application: previously diluted in vegetable oil. 
  • Bonus tip: if you burn a few sprigs of rosemary in summer, the smoke will keep mosquitoes and wasps away.

10. Scented Geraniums (Geranium crispum / Pelargonium crispum)

Geranium Odorant is the true mosquito repellent of geraniums. Its foliage has a lemony scent. Pelargoniums, often mistakenly called"geraniums" even though they belong to the Geraniaceae family, are in fact plants native to South Africa and are not true geraniums.

 The Fragrant Geranium produces small white flowers with a purplish center, while Pelargoniums come in a wide variety of colors. Both types of plant contain an essential oil rich in citronnellol, an effective mosquito repellent. Scented Geraniums, however, are considered the best plants for repelling these insects.

How to use : 

  • Easily grown in window boxes. 
  • To keep mosquitoes out of your home, place geraniums near windows for most of the year. However, these plants dread frost, so it's best to bring them indoors when temperatures drop. They will then continue to repel mosquitoes. 
  • Geranium scented essential oil can be diffused indoors or applied directly to the skin after dilution in a vegetable oil.

11. Catnip or Nepeta or Catnip (Nepeta Cataria)

Catnip is actually an excellent anti-mosquito plant. Its foliage contains nepetalactone, a compound that attracts cats but, because of its intense scent, also repels mosquitoes, termites and cockroaches. This plant can grow in almost any type of drained soil, in semi-shade or full sun. 

How to use :

  • Grows easily in pots or window boxes and can be placed near windows. 
  • Many other strong-smelling plants, such as garlic, mugwort, tansy, chaste tree and cohosh, can also repel mosquitoes. can also repel mosquitoes. 

In conclusion, mosquito repellent plants offer a natural and effective solution for keeping these undesirable insects away from our homes. 

For those who want to go further, we'll soon be publishing a second article with DIY recipes for making your own repellent essential oil blends. Stay tuned! 

Demiraj Elana 23 July, 2024
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