
food supplements

Evening Primrose (503mg) - organic
23.80 € 23.80 €
For the well-being and beauty of women (and men). Evening primrose oil is rich in cis-linoleic acid, an important source of omega-6, and gamma-linolenic acid, which have a specific action on female hormonal regulation.
Aspen Bach Flower G2 - organic, alcohol-free
12.90 € 12.90 €
Aspen Bach Flower is synonymous with confidence and serenity. It helps you face the fear of the unknown.
18-Impatiens - Impatience - organic - 20ml
13.80 € 13.80 €
Do you find it hard to accept that things aren't moving as quickly as you'd like? Bach Flower Impatient helps you to accept the natural rhythm of life.
Bee Pollen - organic
19.80 € 19.80 €
Le pollen d'abeille est composé de petites boulettes produites par les abeilles lorsqu'elles mélangent leur nectar aux grains microscopiques du pollen de fleurs qu'elles récoltent
Oligo Basic (250 mg)
18.00 € 18.00 €
Oligo Basic helps maintain an optimal acid-base balance thanks to spirulina and lithothamnion.
Sea magnesium oxide (550 mg)
10.50 € 10.50 €
Magnesium is an essential mineral for the body, as it is involved in numerous metabolic reactions alongside calcium, potassium and sodium. It ensures the health of bones and teeth, as well as muscles and the liver.
Hemp protein powder - organic
12.90 € 12.90 €
These raw-quality hemp protein powders are derived from highly defatted hemp seeds. This powder has a slightly nutty, neutral taste, making it ideal for use with a wide range of foods. It is a health food, rich in complete proteins and containing high-quality lipids, vitamins and minerals, and a high level of antioxidants (e.g. chlorophyll, tocopherol, tocotrienol).
Barley grass powder - organic
13.30 € 13.30 €
Barley grass powder is a concentrate of healthy nutrients: trace elements, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, chlorophyll, fibers, essential amino acids...hence its reputation as a "Superfood".
Golden berries - organic
10.20 € 10.20 €
Product temporarily unavailable
Baobab powder - organic
12.30 € 12.30 €
Le baobab est largement répandu à travers les savanes et les régions sèches d’Afrique. Il est également appelé l’arbre du pain de singe. Les arbres atteignent 20 m de hauteur et leurs fruits sont depuis longtemps une importante source d’alimentation.
Spike lavender essential oil - organic
6.00 € 6.00 €
L'huile essentielle de lavande aspic bio est la solution naturelle par excellence pour soulager les piqûres d'insectes et autres animaux venimeux ainsi que les brûlures. Cicatrisante redoutable et régénératrice cutanée très efficace, elle apaise et purifie de nombreuses petites affections de la peau : acné, bouton, gerçure, crevasse, coup de soleil...
Willow Bach Flower G38 - organic, alcohol-free
12.90 € 12.90 €
Bach Flower Willow helps you to take charge of your own life when you feel resentful or bitter.
Enriched Propolis (Broad Spectrum) - organic
15.80 € 15.80 €
At the first signs of a cold
Grapefruit Seed Extract 800mg - organic
13.00 € 13.00 €
L'Extrait de Pépin de Pamplemousse (EPP) riche en bioflavonoïdes à large spectre d'action augmente la résistance de l'organisme en éliminant les agents perturbateurs.
Chia seeds - organic
7.00 € 7.00 €
Guar seed flour - organic
5.00 € 5.00 €
Guar gum is a high-protein, vegetable binder and thickener (from the seeds of the guar legume) that works well both hot and cold. Ideal for desserts and cold dishes, as well as hot dishes such as soups, sauces, egg-free soufflés and vegetable preparations.