Yoga for pregnant women

Yoga is a gentle yet dynamic practice that reconnects the body and mind. The pregnant woman's body changes from week to week, sometimes bringing with it pain, stiffness and anxiety. Yoga is a great holistic practice to gain flexibility, open the pelvis, strengthen the perineum, work on breathing and create spaces of calm within. Discover yoga for pregnant women. 

Cautionary Note

It is obvious that not all pregnancies are alike. Bodies are different, so are the stories of each. In order to practice safely, it is important to seek the advice of your doctor or midwife as well as the expertise of a certified teacher. yoga  

Quel yoga pour la femme enceinte

There are several schools whose practices differ greatly. The yoga bikhram which takes place in an overheated room will obviously be proscribed. On the other hand, yin yoga that works on release in slow, static posture may be of interest, as well as kundalini yoga that can be adapted to the pregnant woman. The hata yoga is also a yoga that can be suitable for thepregnant woman. 

Pourquoi faire du yoga enceinte ?

The benefits of doing yoga while pregnant are numerous. First of all it allows you to practice a physical activity which is essential for maintaining good physical and mental health. Then, the postures are adaptable according to the level of each one. There are no age, flexibility or physical condition criteria... Only determination, commitment to oneself, motivation and a deep desire to do good are necessary. Moreover, by selecting adapted and/or personalized sequences, you can work on several points.

  • Open the pelvis: so that the baby can position himself correctly and facilitate his descent.

  • Relax physical tension: avoid lumbago, low back pain, sciatica...

  • Flexible and strengthen the perineum: the pelvic floor is extremely solicited from pregnancyto postpartum. To work it from the beginning allows to shorten the time of re-education, to facilitate the expulsion of the baby, to avoid incontinence....

  • Giving yourself time to yourself: pregnancy can generate stress and anxiety. The yoga moments are a gentle interlude and reconnection to your inner world. 

  • Fluidizing the breath: the breath or pranayama is the foundation of yogic practice. There are many breathing exercises to stimulate or calm energy. Also, breathing well is essential to properly oxygenate yourself and your baby. And perhaps you will learn a technique to accompany you during the birth of your child?

  • Salve pregnancy aches: heavy legs, constipation, heartburn, insomnia, nausea, migraine...

  • Getting in touch with your child: Meditation times are an integral part of yoga. By learning to be in the present moment, in the here & now, you can get in touch withyour child. Let yourself be carried away by the magic of the emotions, images, sensations you can feel...

Postures de yoga pour ouvrir le bassin de la femme enceinte

Opening the pelvis is the priority especially if you are not flexible at the base. 

  • Knees up, lying on back: pavanamuktasana

  • lower lunge: anjaneyasana

  • lizard: utthan pristhasana

  • the fire log: agnistambhasana

  • garland: malasana

  • pigeon :kapotasana

  • happy baby: ananda balasana.

  • Butterfly sitting or lying with support: supta baddha konasana

  • dragonfly: parsva bhuja dandasana

Postures de yoga pour détendre le dos pendant la grossesse 

As the pregnancy progresses, the center of gravity shifts, the back arches, the window gets heavy. Here are some postures to support the back:

  • cat/cow: marjarasana mukha

  • plow: halasana

  • half-candle: viparita karani

  • head down dog: adho mukha svanasana

  • child: balasana.

  • happy baby: ananda balasana.

Postures de yoga pour étirer le nerf sciatique 

The sciatic nerve sometimes becomes inflamed. These postures will help you stretch the muscles, nerve and to create spaces in the pelvis :

  • a sitting torsion: ardha matsyendrasana

  • elongated twist: jathara parivartasana

Postures de yoga pour calmer le mental de la femme enceinte

The balance or head down postures have the virtue of calming the mind:

  • tree: vrikshasana

  • head down dog: adho mukha svanasana

  • child: balasana.

Alexia Bernard 31 May, 2021
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