Chers Santies,
Pour votre santé, pour celle des autres, pour votre porte-monnaie, votre beauté, pour préparer la venue d’un enfant… Il existe de nombreuses bonnes raisons d’arrêter de fumer. Et il existe également de nombreux moyens. Les huiles essentielles peuvent vous aider à sortir du tabagisme.
Natural remedies to stop smoking: the essential oils
Cigarettes contain various toxic substances: tar, carbon monoxide and heavy metals, which accelerate cell aging and increase the risk of cardiovascular accidents and cancers, particularly lung cancer. The many substances contained in cigarettes, including nicotine, create a physical and psychological addiction that is difficult to break alone.
Patches, chewing gum, electronic cigarettes... Tobacco substitutes are varied and enable you to quit gradually. With the strength of your willpower, and with or without these substitutes, the essential oils can help. The effects of giving up cigarettes are manifold: aggressiveness, snacking urges, sleep disturbances, headaches... all signs of withdrawal from a strong addiction. We therefore recommend essential oils with calming, anti-stress properties, to help you get over your addictions.
Essence of mandarin or sweet orange against tobacco
These two citrus essential oils have similar virtues. Rich in terpenes, they are ideal for their calming properties and gentle fragrance. They help soothe the body from the stresses of quitting smoking. Green and yellow mandarin essences have slightly more calming properties than red mandarin, and are therefore to be preferred.
During your withdrawal, we recommend diffusing a few drops of sweet orange or tangerine oil in the living room, and taking advantage of your new-found sense of smell to enjoy the scent! DÉCOUVRIR
Instructions and precautions for use of sweet orange and mandarin essence
These essential oils are particularly recommended for diffusion. Follow the recommendations indicated on your diffuser and use these essences in a blend with other essential oils, such as hemlock or ravintsara. If you have children, avoid using hemlock essential oil.
They can also be taken orally, two drops under the tongue three times a day. These essential oils As with all citrus essences, sweet orange and mandarin essences are photosensitizing: they can stain the skin when exposed to the sun. And be careful: they stain fabric.
Hemlock essential oil for quitting smoking
Hemlock essential oil comes from a Canadian softwood. It has a fresh, coniferous scent. It is indicated for everything connected with the emotional sphere and nervous disorders. It is also comforting and helps with addiction withdrawal, such as smoking.
How to use hemlock essential oil and safety precautions
This essential oil is mainly used for inhalation and diffusion. The essential oil can be inhaled straight from the bottle, as a support when the urge to smoke a cigarette is too strong. It is irritating to the skin, so use on the skin should be avoided unless diluted at 90% with vegetable oil (for application to the wrists, for example). Hemlock essential oil can be used as a vapour without children under six in the room.
Essential oil synergies for quitting smoking
The properties of certain essential oils can be combined to support the effects of smoking cessation. These essential oil synergies can be inhaled or diffused.

A synergy of anti-smoking essential oils for inhalation
You can use an inhaler stick, and soak the wick with 3 drops of hemlock essential oil, 4 drops of essential oil of noble laurel and 2 drops of peppermint. L’huile essentielle de laurier noble, en plus d’être une anti-infectieuse puissante, permet de redonner confiance en soi.
Celle de peppermint est excellente contre l’irritabilité qui peut nous toucher suite à l’arrêt du tabac. Cette synergie est à respirer lorsque l’on a envie de fumer une cigarette.
A synergy of anti-tobacco essential oils to diffuse
In a humidifying diffuser, mix 3 drops of sweet orange oil, 3 drops of hemlock essential oil and 3 drops ofencens. In a dry diffuser, add 30 drops of orange or mandarin oil and 30 drops of hemlock essential oil.
Diffuse in the living room, 3 times a day for 30 minutes. Not recommended for children under six.

Physical activity, important for health.
To quit smoking, it's best to give yourself every chance. That's why we advise you to combine several quit-smoking techniques. You can use essential oils with an electronic cigarette, for example.
Essential oils can be ideally combined with valerian, either as a dry extract or as an herbal tea, a plant that is highly effective in the fight against addictions.Take up sport more intensively than usual, to relieve nervous tension and avoid putting on weight. And if you feel the urge to snack, try raw vegetables instead of sweets!