What are the benefits of Dead Sea salt?

Chers Santies,

Les Dead Sea salts are known to be linked to the well-being of our skin thanks to the richness they contain. en minerals et trace elements. In fact, they help maintain the elasticity and tone of our skin system by providing active ingredients. 

Today, this product occupies an important place in the composition of cosmetic products. Let's not forget that it has been used for thousands of years by the local population to solve various skin problems.

A quick reminder: what is Dead Sea salt

It is a mineral-rich organic product that is collected on the borders of Israel, Jordan and Palestine. The Dead Sea is a saltwater lake over 400 m below sea level. The salts are extracted by the natural evaporation of the water.

It should also be noted that the Dead Sea is considered the saltiest sea in the world, with a composition rich in potassium, magnesium and sodium. With a salinity level of 25%, the water in this lake exceeds that of most oceans and seas, which have an average level of 5%. What's more, when you bathe in it, you float without having to swim.

Dead Sea salt: composition 

The Dead Sea's concentration of mineral salts is 8 times greater than that of other seas and oceans. In fact, the Dead Sea contains over 275 grams of mineral salts per liter of water.

Les Dead Sea salt crystals contain precisely 26 different minerals, including potassium, the magnesiumcalcium, chlorides, bicarbonates, bromineetc.

Salt image

The benefits of Dead Sea salt

Dead Sea salt has numerous benefits for our skin.In balneotherapy, Dead Sea salt crystals are used to improve skin well-being through scrubs, baths and poultices.

The moisturizing properties of Dead Sea salt

Dead Sea salts are characterized by their moisturizing properties for dry skin. Bathing in water diluted with Dead Sea salts provides deep, long-lasting hydration for the skin.

This is made possible by the high concentration of potassium . Potassium is a positively-charged electrolyte that conducts electricity at cellular level. Potassium enables the efficient transport of consumed liquids into our skin cells, ensuring deep skin hydration. Dead Sea salt crystals contain almost 30% potassium.

Dead Sea salt cleanses

Dead Sea salts have an antibacterial action, as they contain elements such as sulfur, which has the ability to deeply cleanse the skin. The concentration of cleansing elements in Dead Sea salt is low, enabling gentle cleansing without the risk of irritation. For skin areas in need of deep cleansing, we recommend Dead Sea salt beauty masks or the more concentrated poultices.

Oily skin prone to pimples will notice that the Dead Sea salts effectively cleanse facial skin without attacking it, for smooth skin.  

Dead Sea salt and its exfoliating properties

Coarse grains are often used in body scrub. You can also blend the salt crystals to obtain a fine powder that can be used as a facial scrub. In fact, small grains are preferable for facial skin, to avoid damaging it.

Recipe for exfoliating the skin with Dead Sea salts: mix half of the salt crystals with a teaspoon of water. vegetable oil of your choice. Then massage in using circular movements, and finish by rinsing with lukewarm water. 

Le Dead Sea salt promotes beautiful skin

The richness of Dead Sea salt in trace elements and minerals makes this product a prime source of nutrients for our skin. Whether you opt for scrubs, baths, creams enriched with Dead Sea salts or even masksThe skin system benefits from the properties of this product.Moisturization is actively enhanced, and cellular absorption of moisture is promoted. 

Dead Sea Salt from Santi-shop

Dead Sea Salt

These bath salts are extracted from one of the purest areas of the Dead Sea: the Safi Valley.

Pure, natural salt with no additives .

Its natural composition contains all the essential minerals and trace elements already present in the Dead Sea.



For a full bath, use 500 g of bath salts and bathe for around 15 minutes.

After bathing, rinse with clean water. The less water you use in the bath, the more effective the application.

Enjoy a natural, calm and pleasant experience, with a regenerating effect.


Demiraj Elana 22 May, 2024
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