Ten naturopathic tips for early autumn

Summer is coming to an end and fall is slowly coming... It's time to implement some naturopathic advice to be in optimal shape. Here are the 10 naturopathic tips to help you have a maximum of energy on the physical and mental levels at the beginning of autumn!

1. Going green

One of the most important pieces of advice is to take care of your diet starting by consuming raw or lightly cooked and low-temperature organic, local and seasonal fruits and vegetables. Indeed, it is important to remember that fruits and vegetables lose a large part of their nutrients during cooking. For example, vitamin C is destroyed at 60°C!

It is interesting from a qualitative point of view to integrate in your salads and other dishes :

  • sprouted seeds (to make at home or to buy in the fresh section), 

  • oilseeds (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, etc.), 

  • Seeds (sesame, flax, chia, sunflower, pumpkin seed, pine nuts...), 

  • goji berries.

  • Seaweed (spirulina in flakes, nori etc...). 

Important: Before considering supplements, it's important to go to the basics and get all the vitamins, minerals, and trace elements your body needs to function properly. A large part of yourimmune system is in the gut, so it makes sense to take care of your plate! 

2. Products to limit (or even avoid...)

To avoid burdening your body unnecessarily, it is advisable to limit and reserve them for special, one-time occasions :

  • Red meats, 2 times a week max.

  • The cold cuts.

  • Processed foods and baked goods.

  • chocolate bars.

  • fast food.

  • refined sugars.

  • alcohol.

3. Bien s'hydrater

Hydration is one of the pillars of naturopathy. In fact, many health disorders are due to dehydration! Don't be a camel and remember to hydrate well, about 1.5l of water per day. You can prepare unsweetened infusions with lemon and ginger which are invigorating. These can also be flavored according to your desires and needs: mint, cinnamon, turmeric, rosemary, licorice, etc...

4. Go on a probiotic cleanse

In order to potentiate the different advices presented, do not hesitate to make a cure of probiotics to reseed good bacteria in the intestines. These will improve digestion, the ability to absorb nutrients, your food supplements and will also allow stimulate your immune system.

5. Go for spirulina

In case of low energy, you can consider a spirulina supplementation. It is an algae with a spiral shape and multiple virtues. It is extremely rich in protein (between 50 to 70%), essential fatty acids, trace elements, minerals and vitamins. 

Due to its very interesting composition, it is one of those superfoods used to alleviate malnutrition problems in developing countries. It is a great ally to boost your vital energy reserves in this early fall.

6.  Products of the hive

The products of the hive are exceptional gifts that you deserve to offer yourself. Propolis, pollen, royal jelly and honey have benefits that our ancestors already knew well. 

These nutrient bombs are considered superfoods. They contain properties that go far beyond the simple immune booster, they are true rejuvenation cures. 

Adults, children, teenagers, the elderly, convalescents, everyone will find something in each of these products to meet their needs at the time: immune stimulant, anti-fatigue, tissue regenerator, antioxidant, revitalizer, etc...

7.  Engaging in physical activity

Often neglected, this point is nevertheless essential for good vitality. Indeed, in order to maintain an optimal energy, the practice of a regular physical activity and in the respect of your body allows :

  • stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation (oxygenation, toxin elimination),

  • produce several feel-good hormones including endorphin (euphoric) and serotonin (anti-depression). 

8.  Get quality sleep.

It is crucial to take care of the quality of your sleep. Indeed, getting enough sleep and properly is one of the keys toa boosted body and morale. Consult a naturopath in case of sleep problems in order to guarantee a global and personalized care.

9. Have activities to recharge.

One of the secrets for a maximum energy is to grant yourself time for yourself, to meditate, to recharge your batteries, to put yourself on pause is really beneficial and beneficial. Accepting to do nothing or simply to d'be attentive to one's needs in order not to saturate the body and mind with multiple information. It is by alternating active phases with phases of true rest that you will maintain yourenergy capital to the maximum. 

10. Disconnect to reconnect

Disconnect to reconnect Or the art of leaving the screens and taking the time to go in contact with Nature, to walk in the forest, by the Ocean, to spend quality time with your loved ones and to reconnect with your passions.

To conclude, there is not one recipe but recipes that, combined together and according to the desires and needs of each, potentiate each other. Take care of your body and mind to have a max energy!

Alexia Bernard 21 September, 2021
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