Chers Santies,
We all know about acne, and almost everyone has had to deal with it at some point in their lives.
Of course, the cause of acne varies from person to person. However, we do know that it is the dysfunction of the sebaceous glands that is at the origin of its appearance. In this article, we'll show you a natural remedy that will help you get rid of them.
What is acne?
Acne is a skin condition caused by inflammatory lesions of the pilosebaceous follicles.
It is characterized by inflamed and infected black or whiteheads, pustules, nodules and cysts.
Acne most often appears on the face, and occasionally on the neck and upper trunk. Around 80% of teenage boys and 50% of teenage girls suffer from acne.

Apart from puberty, acne can also be caused by dietary problems:
- a diet low in zinc, which the body needs more of during puberty,
- vitamin B6 deficiency,
- excess sugar,
- consommation trop abondante ou manque de légumes verts ;
- constipation,
- sluggish intestinal transit,
- food or cosmetic allergy,
- lack of exercise, anemia,
- hereditary conditions,
- et stress.
Many women suffer during menstruation.
A natural remedy to fight the causes of acne?
What causes acne?
The function of the sebaceous glands is to produce a thick substance composed of skin cells and oil, known as sebum. But sebum must always be produced in small quantities. When this is not the case, pimples appear on the face.
This is known as "acne". Hormonal activity and the consumption of junk food lead to hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands, resulting in excess sebum production. Friction from clothing, exposure of the skin to extreme climates, certain technical equipment and any other product that may irritate the skin are also implicated. If you can't avoid these, you might as well use a natural remedy to fight acne.
Can a natural remedy combat the symptoms of acne?
Acne symptoms vary from one individual to another. It can appear as pustules, whiteheads or blackheads. These are the most common forms. As a rule, these do not leave scars.
On the other hand, acne can take on a deeper form, such as cysts or boils. It is then considered serious. It is often accompanied by redness, inflammation and lesions. Pimples are mainly located on the face, chest or back. If you notice any of these signs, you must immediately find an effective natural remedy to combat acne.

Why use a natural acne remedy?
Since acne is a problem that affects the skin, it's always best to turn to natural solutions. These normally present no risk to the epidermis or to health. (Although it's always advisable to ask your doctor's permission to use a natural remedy).
A natural remedy can act quickly and effectively against acne.
Improvements will be gradual and long-lasting. Some natural skin care products can not only make pimples disappear, but also treat the pathology at its source.
In some cases, these so-called natural remedies help to erase the scars left by pimples. If acne worsens, or if you notice any abnormalities on your skin, you should consult a dermatologist or doctor.
Acne treatment
The ideal treatment for acne is to tackle the problem internally, through good nutrition. Ideally, this means eating as little saturated fat as possible. One American researcher claims that even the most severe cases can be improved, or even cured, in 6 to 8 weeks by following a diet devoid of saturated fats ("Better Health Through Natural Healing" by Ross Trattler, published by Thorson).
Finally, here are a few home remedies to get rid of acne

Eat plenty of garlic
Preferably raw.

Rub the skin with a clove of fresh garlic, halved.
Lightly rub the skin with a clove of fresh garlic, halved.

Prepare your make-up remover lotion
Make your own make-up remover lotion with ground marigold leaves or chamomile flowers.

Make your own water lotion
Make your own rosewater lotion to fight acne. Soak a handful of rose petals in cold water overnight. Remove the petals and store the liquid in an airtight jar.
Apply this lotion morning and night.
The tips don't stop there. Read more about natural remedies below.
- To avoid acne, eat as little fat as possible.
- Eat plenty of fruit (except citrus fruits), vegetable juices, salads, cooked vegetables, wholegrain cereals, and foods containing plant proteins such as beans and tofu.
- Chamomile tea is also effective against acne.
- To fight acne, you should also exclude dairy products as much as possible until your skin has recovered. You can then gradually resume consumption of your favourite dairy products, while monitoring their effects.
- Hygiene is important in the fight against acne. Wash twice a day with lukewarm water and a mild soap. savon medical-grade cleanser. Rinse with lukewarm water, followed by cold water.
- According to acne research, applying ice directly to lesions benefits some patients.
- Daily exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can be beneficial for acne. However, prolonged exposure to UV rays should be avoided and may cause skin cancer. Always seek your doctor's advice before starting any treatment.
- If acne occurs during menstruation, apply a vitamin B6 cream directly to the affected area.
- Rub your whole body daily with a loofah or soft bristle brush. Some people report improved acne with this method, but always ask your doctor first.
- In many cases, zinc supplements are effective against acne. Reduce the dose if intestinal irritation occurs. Ask your doctor to prescribe the recommended doses.
Discover our Santi-Shop product for the treatment of acne.
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