From ancient times, the Greeks used milk thistle to relieve hepato-biliary disorders. In the XVI th century, Paracelsus advised this plant against "inner burns" and, a hundred years later, Gerade gave it against "melancholy diseases" which were due to an imbalance at the hepatic level. The liver is the heaviest organ of the human body and ensures nearly 300 vital functions. Milk thistle's reputation as a hepato-protector is well established. Find out in the next few lines how this wild plant works for your health.
Chardon marie en botanique
The marie thistle is a biennial herbaceous plant that can grow up to 1 meter tall. It is found in fallow land, along roadsides and around the Mediterranean. Its recognizable leaves are spine-like and its purple flowers are surrounded by prickly bracts. The fruit is a black achene. It is the latter, once rid of its aigrettes, that is used in phytotherapy.
The legend: it is said that "its leaves were stained white by a few drops of the Virgin's milk when she hid Jesus from Herod's soldiers..." (source: the Little Larousse of healing plants)
Composition chimique des fruits du chardon marie
The content of active ingredients depends on the place of growth, harvesting, drying and storage. In general, the achenes of milk thistleare composed of:
flavonoids (natural antioxidants of plant origin): apigenol, quercetol, kaempferol, dihydrokaempferol, taxifolin, naringin, eriodyctiol, chrysoeryol
flavolignanes : silymarine
phytosterols: sitosterol, stigmasterol, campesterols.
catechism banners
Fatty acids: triglycerides (linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, alpha-tocopherol
proteins: albumin, tyramine, histamine.
sugars: mucilages
Les propriétés pharmacologiques du chardon marie
Activity at the hepatic level:.
hepatitis: viral, toxic, drug.
alcoholic and non-alcoholic steatosis (the fatty liver disease)
pregnancy cholestasis.
Action sur le métabolisme gluco-lipidique:
.insulin resistance.
metabolic syndrome.
accompanying treatments for type 2 diabetes.
Anti-inflammatory action.
at the intestinal level
chemotherapy support.
Action on the central nervous system.
accompanying treatments for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.
The chardon marie also has effects on:
Zoom sur les effets protecteurs hépato-biliaires du chardon marie
In addition, marie thistle protects the liver from free radicals resulting from oxidation. These are responsible for premature aging of cells among other things.
In addition, silymarin helps maintain glutathione levels in the liver.
By increasing hepatocyte protein synthesis, this molecule promotes regeneration of liver cells.
Finally, it protects the liver from damage caused by taking medications such as paracetamol and ethanol (alcohol).
Chardon marie et stéatose non alcoolique
Non-alcoholic steatosis or NASH disease is what is known in common parlance as fatty liver disease. In this pathology, overconsumption of alcohol is not the issue. It is the diet that is usually far too high in sugar that destroys the liver cells.
The fruits of maria thistle protect the liver. They calm liver inflammation, decrease cell destruction, and limit liver damage. In some cases of nonalcoholic steatosis, taking maria thistle has helped the liver return to normal weight.
Note that the benefits of milk thistle to accompany steatosis are also found to relieve hepatitis.
Chardon marie et détox
The foie is an organ that performs nearly 300 metabolic functions including blood purification. This detox function is paramount to maintaining overall homeostasis otherwise it would be self-poisoning!
Silymarin activates glucuroconjugation which is responsible for the second phase of detoxification.
Précautions d'emploi
The maria thistle may create reactions in people allergic to asteraceae.
In some people, maria thistle can be slightly laxative.
The chardon marie cannot replace a treatment advised by your doctor.