Chers Santies,
Overweight, cellulite, a swollen belly, heavy legs... these are just some of the complexes that often prompt sufferers to want to lose weight. But weight loss is a complex goal. It's hard to know how to go about it, and how to combine a healthy diet and physical activity to suit our individual needs and metabolisms, which differ from one person to the next. Although the basis of healthy, lasting weight loss lies in the diet and caloric expenditure, certain essential oils can greatly help you speed up the process by targeting what makes you want to slim down.
To do this, start by determining the cause of your problem: is it due to poor digestion? Excess body fat? A slow metabolism? Perhaps it's even due to poor blood or lymph circulation? Then adapt your use of essential oils according to your needs.
CAUTION: do not use during the 1st trimester of pregnancy, or while breast-feeding. If you have certain allergies, ask your doctor for advice before use. Do not ingest pure essential oils, and do not give orally to children under 6.
Efficient essential oils for digestion
Peppermint oil
Peppermint is highly effective in cases of difficult digestion or feelings of bloating. Peppermint essential oil stimulates the organs of elimination, digestion and drainage, helping to keep the stomach flat all day long.
Nous vous recommandons d’en consommer une goutte diluée dans une cuillère à café d’huile d’olive à raison de deux fois par jour, avec l’avis de votre médecin. Discover
Tarragon essential oil
Tarragon essential oil is often recommended for digestive disorders, as the estragole it contains has an anti-spasmodic effect without reducing digestive tone, thus helping to maintain a flat stomach and a feeling of lightness.
Be careful, however, as its use can be dangerous: we recommend using only 10 drops per 10 drops of vegetable oil. Children under 12 and people allergic to asteraceae should not use it.
Slimming with Celeriac essential oil
Celery Like peppermint or tarragon, celery essential oil helps ease digestion. It can be applied cutaneously (2 to 3 drops are sufficient) to the abdomen once diluted in a vegetable oil, or by olfaction or inhalation (3 to 5 drops) after consulting a physician for a detoxifying effect. Beware, however, of the risk of photosensitization: we strongly advise you not to use this oil before exposing yourself to the sun - wait at least 8 hours after application.
Burn fat with essential oils
Lemon oil
Lemon essential oil is known to break down lipids, thus burning fat. It also relieves bloating, chronic constipation, poor digestion and water retention. We recommend taking it orally on an empty stomach (1 to 2 drops in a teaspoon of vegetable oil), or before meals with your doctor's permission.
You can also apply it as a massage, mixing 6 drops with 5 drops of grapefruit and cypress in a vegetable oil base (10% dilution) for a fat-burning effect. Be careful, however, not to apply it directly to the skin if you're going to be exposed to the sun (phototoxic oil).
The benefits of Atlas cedar essential oil
Atlas Cedar has a fat-busting and destocking effect. Be careful, however, not to use it pure directly on the skin: first dilute 2-3 drops in a vegetable oil base (2% dilution) before massaging the area concerned.
We strongly advise against the use of this essential oil by pregnant or breast-feeding women, as it contains ketones that may present a neurotoxic risk. Contraindicated in cases of mastosis, fibroids or hormone-dependent cancers.
Losing weight with cinnamon essential oil
Ceylon cinnamon is known for detoxifying and activating the metabolism. It helps eliminate fat, burn calories faster and prevent bloating. It can be taken orally (2 drops maximum), diluted in vegetable oil with your doctor's advice, or massaged (1 drop in 10 drops of vegetable oil, diluted to 5% maximum, then massage into the abdomen). Be careful, however, not to use it undiluted directly on the skin.
Stimulate blood and lymph circulation with essential oils
Grapefruit essential oil for slimming
Grapefruit essential oil cleanses the liver and stimulates blood and lymph circulation, giving a sensation of lightness. It also helps combat cellulite. You can dilute it directly in bath water, apply it diluted as a massage or take 2 drops orally in your tea or fruit juice.
We recommend combining it with cinnamon and ginger essential oils (one drop of each in a glass of water) for best results. Phototoxic, the essence should not be used before exposure to the sun.
Using juniper essential oil to lose weight
Juniper is excellent for poor blood and lymph circulation. Apply it in a vegetable oil base before massaging or rubbing it into the affected areas (dilute 2ml in about 8ml of sweet almond oil). You can also dilute it in bath water for a firming and decongesting effect.
The virtues of Cypress essential oil
Cypress essential oil is particularly well-known for its benefits on blood circulation, and also helps combat cellulite and water retention. We recommend combining it with rosemary and grapefruit in a bath (8 drops of each) to boost metabolism. Not recommended in cases of mastosis, fibroids or hormone-dependent cancers.
Slimming recipes with essential oils
Now that you know which essential oils are the most effective for weight loss, we'd like to share with you two of our best 100% natural recipes, based on the benefits of aromatherapy:

Anti-cellulite recipe
In 100ml of vegetable oil, mix 5 drops of Cedarwood, 5 drops of Cypress and 2 drops of Ceylon Cinnamon.
Massage your legs or affected area morning and night with this miracle oil.

Essential oils against bloating
Mix 1 drop of Tarragon, 1 drop of Exotic Basil, 2 drops of Cumin and 2 drops of Sweet Fennel and add 2 drops of this mixture to a teaspoon of olive oil before each meal.

Fat burning recipe
In the morning, on an empty stomach, mix 2 drops of Lemon, 1 drop of Ceylon Cinnamon and 1 drop of Celery in lukewarm water and drink. You can also mix lemon and cinnamon with fresh celery juice. Be careful, however, not to ingest celery essential oil for too long.