The sun, a positive energy reserve

Perhaps you are already on the road to vacation? Or maybe you haven't left yet? However, most of us choose to go abroad in the summer to get away from it all. Did you know that the radiation emitted by the sun is essential for life? No wonder we run after him so much...

Our everyday life...

It is often punctuated by a "subway-work-sleep" routine, not harmonious and generally grey and cold. Indeed, the weather of these last months has not been kind to us. Finally, the body may have had enough of this rain, wind and somewhat depressing weather. The European countries in which we live are not the most loved by the weather. We often have to endure very difficult temperature variations. These weaken the physical body as well as the emotional or mental body.

So, when the opportunity arises, we seek out these beneficial rays for the vitality of each of us. Without really being aware of it, we practice, during our vacations, heliotherapy. It is simply defined as a sun cure, a medical treatment by exposure to sunlight. Very often used by medicine in specific indications such as rickets (expressed by a deficiency in vitamin D that UV rays can fill because they allow this vitamin production.) or other pathologies more or less known.

Although the benefits on physical health are essential, the solar radiation cure has a very important impact on emotional health because it reconditions the individual in a positive and benevolent atmosphere. Can we say that the sun would be an antidepressant? Without any comparison with any medication, we could complement a follow-up with heliotherapy.

Nevertheless, sunbathing is not something to be done lightly, as there are certain rules to follow in order to ensure a healthy and safe treatment for the body.


How to practice heliotherapy effectively?

Remember to prepare your skin for the sun several weeks in advance, with a course of Beta-carotene for example. Also called provitamin A, many vegetables and fruits are rich in it, as are orange-colored foods. We can mention carrots, oranges or apricots for example - but also some green vegetables like spinach, watercress and green leaves in general. Let's not forget spirulina which is rich in beta-carotene.


Other recommendations apply:

  • Be careful not to expose yourself for long periods of time. In fact, the exposure time should be progressive from 5 minutes to 5 minutes and not exceed 60 minutes per day.
  • Avoid exposure during digestion. Although it is very pleasant to lie in the sun after a meal, it is not recommended for a good assimilation of the sun on the skin.
  • Hydrate properly, more than usual. Drink tempered water but also think of hydrating it with hydrolats for example which will have an effective impact on the hydration of your skin.
  • Protect your head, eyes and neck. Hats and sunglasses are of course your best friends during your exposure time.
  • Protect yourself from harmful rays by applying an organic sunscreen without parabens or aluminum. Also be careful to use an index adapted to your skin type. Although heliotherapy has a lesser impact with protection because it is only 100% effective in the absence of obstacles, prefer protection because our sun can do heavy damage to skin health.
  • Prefer a mobile exposure to a static one, i.e. a gentle walk that will activate lymphatic circulation while activating cellular respiration and perspiration.

You are now well informed to go out in the sun with all the essential data for a good exposure. Take care of yourself but above all, give your body the opportunity to replenish its energy reserves through the sun.

Vanessa Colant 18 July, 2017
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