I have my period and I have a migraine, why?

Having a migraine is a common situation in our current civilizations. Indeed, man is subjected to numerous electromagnetic pollutions but also various toxic substances which prevent the optimal functioning of his metabolism. Quickly, we take a pill - often paracetamol and sometimes ibuprofen - to calm the pain very quickly and return to our occupations as quickly.

So goes life in this 21thcentury....

Unfortunately, some people suffer from daily, sometimes chronic, pain that is far too frequent to allow themselves to self-medicate, which is dangerous for the body as a whole. But where do these headaches or migraines come from, which can poison our lives?

I'm on my period and I have a headache.

Many women suffer from migraines when they are in their menstrual period, sometimes even to the point of being locked in the dark for a few days because the pain is too intense. Easily, pills are administered to alleviate this pain whose cause is unknown. Indeed, the woman undergoes without asking too many questions, thinking - wrongly - that this period of the cycle is normally painful. And yet, it's only a matter of hormones!

These temporary migraines occur when estrogen levels drop during the menstrual cycle. Indeed, during the menstrual cycle of the woman, the hormones are not stable, they evolve over 28 days (on average, the cycle can be more or less long) to allow procreation. Estrogen and progesterone work together in a normally perfect balance.

Women on the contraceptive pill experience these hormonal decreases with more power than others. In fact, the period when you stop taking the pill corresponds to a hormonal break that your body feels strongly.

These hormonal variations can disrupt liver function. Indeed, the liver's main function is the purification of the blood and therefore the daily evacuation of hormones that circulate in our blood. In addition, humans are subjected to excessive doses of xenoestrogens (Xenoestrogens (or foreign estrogens) are a class of xenohormonesof synthetic or natural origin, which mimics - to any degree - the estrogenic activity ofestrogenThe liver is the first female sex hormone, which can have an effect on reproduction (Wikipedia), which gives the liver more work to drain and purify. Since the contraceptive pill is considered a xenoestrogen, it is easy to understand that a woman on such a contraceptive will tend to have liver fragility.

My remedy for the hormonal cycle:

Make a cure of raspberry. In gemmotherapy, the buds of this fruit tree are considered as a hormonal regulator for women. An essential remedy for disturbed cycles. The dosages are adapted to each situation.

My liver remedy:

I put a hot water bottle on my liver every night for about twenty minutes and I drink a chamomile tea (organic dry plant) after each meal to help digestion. In addition, chamomile is considered to be an anti-migraine agent.

My remedy for headache relief:

The best known is the application of a drop of essential oil of peppermint on the temples (caution, do not apply in contact with the eyes).

I also like to recommend a cold compress on the forehead and eyes to calm the pressure and ease the pain.

Obviously, I also recommend an adaptation in the food hygiene by avoiding dairy products, meals with bad fats (cooked pork meats, cooked butter, fried food, etc...), refined sugar, stimulants such as tea, coffee or alcohol but also tobacco and sedentary life which amplify the malaise.

Vanessa Colant 6 September, 2018
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