Today, it is difficult to escape the ingestion, inhalation or administration of toxic molecules such as mercury, aluminum, cadmium or dioxins, PCBs, pesticides...
A healthy body, with balanced intestinal flora and functional emunctories, will help eliminate these toxins. But if the body becomes unbalanced, it becomes more difficult to eliminate them.
What are the risks of heavy metal poisoning?
Pollutants tend to be stored in lipid zones, fat, brain, kidneys... but they can also be found in the lungs, bones or any other part of the body.
The deleterious effects of pollutants manifest themselves above a certain threshold of presence in the body.
They can cause significant oxidation in the body, disrupting cell renewal (aging, carcinogenesis).
They are at the root of many chronic inflammatory problems, not to mention their negative effects on the immune system (autoimmune diseases, allergies...).
They are also well known for their disruptive effects on the endocrine system, which is why they are known as endocrine disruptors.

What can be done about this intoxication that seems almost inevitable?
Limit sources of pollutants as much as possible
Filter tap water, limit consumption of large oily fish, avoid the use of aluminum in food and cosmetics, eat organic as much as possible.
Facilitates the elimination of toxic substances
Among the various tools available, oligotherapyoligotherapy is certainly the gentlest and safest. It can be used by everyone, including children and the elderly. This technique consists of providing trace elements antagonists of the heavy metals present in the bodytheir chemical bonding, thus neutralizing neutralization of pollutants allowing the body to eliminate them.
La detoxification pollutants may take from several weeks to several months, depending on the person's level of intoxication, but it will always be beneficial.
A secondary benefit of this cure is to cleanse the body, since all antagonistic minerals are combined in this cure... Yet another reason to use oligotherapy!
What products should I take for an oligotherapy cure?

POE n°9 combines a synergy of trace elements (Se - Mo) with Chlorella extracts to detoxify the body and help eliminate heavy metals.

POE N°10
Reine des Près
POE n°10 combines a synergy of trace elements (Mn - Cu) with Meadowsweet extracts to soothe joints and help maintain the osteo-articular system.

POE N°13
POE n°13 combines trace elements with Nettle extracts to combat hair loss, brittle nails and joint pain.