Gemmotherapy : the Birch bud, your detox ally

In gemmotherapy, birch bud is an effective detox ally that takes care of your health and well-being naturally. It is versatile and can both drain and revitalize the entire body.  Zoom in on the secrets of the birch bud. 

Le bourgeon de Bouleau, pour un nettoyage de printemps

The Birch or betula pubescens is a tree found in wetlands and acidic moorland. It is able to grow on poor and damaged land from which no other species is able to grow. It is a pioneer of the still virgin lands. 

La sève de Bouleau, une cure de jouvence

The birch sap is renowned for its draining and highly revitalizing virtues. Anyone can harvest the sap once they have been initiated to the technique, which is most rudimentary: find a healthy tree, pierce the bark, stick a small flexible tube in it and connect it to a glass container. Then, once harvested, close the hole tightly so that the tree doesn't "weep" and weaken. Ideally, collecting birch sap requires a lot of respect for the tree. It is an invasive process that requires gentleness and subtle listening. 

Pourquoi faire une cure de bourgeon de Bouleau

When we talk about birch bud, we are talking more specifically about glycerine macerate of birch bud. The buds are harvested and then macerated in a glycerine solution and then filtered. The solution is diluted, dynamized and bottled in small bottles.  

Buds are embryonic tissues that contain all the parts of the plant: bark, root, leaf, flower, fruit etc... They are concentrates of benefits for your health and well-being. Indeed, gemmotherapy acts not only on the physical level but also emotional and energetic. 

Action drainante du bourgeon de Bouleau

The boule grows in moist soil, which it dries out. It is therefore a drainer of choice for all body fluids. It activates diuresis which allows cleansing deep tissues, joints, skin, lymph...

It is also a deacidifier. By restarting the evacuation of acids through the urine, it relieves all problems whose cause is an excess of acid: osteoarthritis, gout, eczema, psoriasis, cavities etc....

Le bourgeon de Bouleau comme macérat de première intention

Birch is a pioneer tree that recolonizes damaged land. This makes it the perfect glycerin macerate to start a cure. It prepares the ground for other buds or for other dietary supplements. Its draining action promotes a fresh start for the body. 

Action reminéralisante du bourgeon de Bouleau

The risk when doing a detox is demineralization. The birch bud avoids deficiencies. It provides a lot of minerals while promoting their assimilation. In addition, its deacidifying action allows the body not to draw on its reserves to compensate for acidification. 

Thus, it is involved in bone metabolism and prevents any mineral loss. It consolidates bones by limiting the degradation of bone tissue. 

Le système endocrinien reboosté grâce au bourgeon de bouleau

By working on the ground and remineralizing the body, the birch bud stimulates the endocrine systems. In case of chronic fatigue or exhaustion, this glycerine macerate will help to restart the "machine" before being supported by other methods. 

Symbolique du bourgeon de Bouleau

When we observe its ecosystem, we can deduce its symbolism. It announces the rebirth, the renewal, the colonization of new lands, a new beginning. 

People who are going through turmoil and need to leave the past behind may take birch bud for support. 

Comment prendre le bourgeon de bouleau

Depending on your problem, birch bud will be taken as a 21-day course of treatment with stop windows. The number of drops depends on the concentration of your macerate. 

To be taken in the morning on an empty stomach or diluted in a large bottle of water to be drunk throughout the day as a complement to an adapted and personalized lifestyle. Keep in the mouth for a few moments before swallowing. 

Précaution d'emploi

  • Do not use in people allergic to salicylates (aspirin)

Alexia Bernard 29 March, 2021
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