Gemmotherapy: focus on young rosemary shoots

Rosemary is the great ally of the liver. Its many benefits make it a natural remedy recognized to stimulate a lazy liver. If you have any of these signs: poor digestion, white tongue in the morning, bad breath, migraine, acne, perhaps your liver deserves attention. Zoom on the young shoots of rosemary in gemmotherapy to take care of your health and your well-being naturally.

Le romarin, une plante méditerranéenne

The rosemary, rosmarinus officinalis from its botanical name, is a wild plant that grows naturally all around the Mediterranean. It appreciates calcareous, arid and degraded soils. Its development is energetic and its ramification abounds, just like its energy whose action is mainly stimulating. 

Itshepato-stimulant activity makes rosemary a plant that is used in the composition of many natural remedies in popular and/or ancient medicine. In fact, rosemary is one of the ingredients found in the Four Thieves Vinegar (to find the benefits and the recipe, it is here .

At the same time, rosemary is an aromatic plant very commonly used in cooking to perfume and enhance the taste of a dish. Like the other plants that make up the famous "bouquets garnis" or "herbes de Provence" (thyme, savory, oregano, bay sauce...), rosemary helps to ease digestion. 

Le romarin, un stimulant hépatique

Rosemaryacts on the activity of the gallbladder by increasing the production and secretion of bile. Thus, it facilitates the digestion of fats. People suffering from cholesterol, poor digestion of fats or gallbladder lithiasis could take rosemary macerate. 

In cases of hepatic overload, it acts as a detoxifier while having the role of protector and regenerator for the liver. It can therefore be taken as part of aseasonal detox (spring and/or fall) or following the taking of medications over long periods of time. 

Les jeunes pousses de romarin et leur pouvoir antioxydant

The Roman participates in the fight against free radicals. These promote cellular oxidation and therefore premature aging. The free radicals can be: the sun, pollution, a poor quality diet (pesticides, dyes, rich in sugar, poor in fruits and vegetables...), excessive sport, stress, poor oxygenation...

La gemmothérapie de romarin et le système endocrinien

The stimulating principle of rosemary acts directly on the adrenal glands and thus, by chain reaction, on the functioning of the sexual organs. It may be advised for men and women suffering fromhormonal disorders.

Le macérât de jeune pousse de romarin et symbolisme

Rosemary has a yang energy. It is stimulating and helps one take action. It helps people who tend to dwell on, to remain frozen in their fears which, in the end, are just interpretations of the past, to move forward, to get moving, to look to the future with faith. 

Pourquoi prendre du romarin sous la forme de macérât glycériné

Although consuming rosemary in a sauce, soup or directly as an infusion, the gemmotherapeutic version allows for action on many levels. Indeed, the whole point of gemmotherapy is the use of buds, young shoots or rootlets. These parts of the plant are an exceptional reservoir of information: all the parts of the plant are concentrated there whether it is the leaves, the flowers, the fruits, the roots, the bark, the stem... We say that in gemmotherapy, we use the embryonic cells of the plant. 

Thus, not only do you act at the level of your digestion by stimulating the hepato-biliary activity but also at the emotional and energetic level. 

Comment prendre le romarin en gemmothérapie

It is advisable to integrate the romarin in a personalized protocol following a readjustment of the food mode in order to improve the digestion durably and effectively.

The number of drops is to be determined according to your vital and hepatic state. On average, you should count about ten drops per day to be diluted in a little water and taken outside of meals. In addition, it is advisable to keep the solution in the mouth for a few seconds before swallowing so that the active ingredients enter the circulation directly via the blood micro-capillaries located in the mouth 

Alexia Bernard 25 May, 2021
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