Worldwide, there are currently more than 400 million people with diabetes. At this point, we can deduce that this disease concerns a large popular mass. Throughout the treatment, the patient is advised to adopt anew eating habit. Here's a non-exhaustive list of the foods you need to put on the back burner!
Diabetes treatment: foods to avoid
A dietary habit change is prescribed for all patients on treatment diabetes. While some foods are to be consumed expressively, others are to be avoided outright because of their impacts that can promote the profusion of pathology.
Here is a list of 7 foods to avoid if you have diabetes.
Diabetes: a long list of foods to avoid
1 - The cereal
In general,grains contain a large amount of carbohydrates. They may increase blood sugar levels in the body. To this end, it is obvious to formally avoid them, because they are the cause of the profusion of the disease. Although there are sugar-free cereals, it is appropriate to be particularly careful, because the foods, in boxes, are processed foods. These are also on the radar of products to avoid for a patient.
Otherwise, the cereal contains fiber. A diabetic state would not be able to assimilate these substances into their bodies. This food is therefore not recommended for the treatment of diabetes.
2- Industrial food products
Industrial products are dangerous for a diabetic state. The body cannot absorb them normally. In addition, these foods includechemical elements, formally discouraged for diabetics.
3 - Anything sweet
The patient should refrain from with soda And to all sorts of industrial drinks. These products may contain chemical elements. In addition, they are made up of fast sugar which can very easily raise blood sugar levels in the body.
Otherwise, sweetened fruit juices are also to be banished from the eating habit of a person with diabetes. Sweetened, they are actual sources of glucose. In addition, they also include fructose. During digestion, this substance translates into fatresponsible for the increase in cholesterol.
Sweetened coffee is thus one of the drinks to avoid during diabetes treatment. If possible, prefer plain coffee, which means no sugar. Indeed, it is the sugar associated with this drink that makes it dangerous.
In short, it is best to drink without sugar. When the body assimilates food in liquid, it does not make enough physical effort. The sugar is thus badly assimilated and could impact dangerously in the body.
4 - Dried fruits
When dry, the fruit retains its glucose and fructose content. These substances are very harmful and easily allow the progression of diabetes. Scientific studies have even managed to prove thatthe carbohydrate content in a fruit increases when dry. Therefore, these foods should be avoided by the diabetic patient. If possible, prefer fresh fruit, but always in moderation.
5 - Packaged snacks
While the usual lifestyle fits well withfast food, this formula is not recommended for the diabetic. Be aware that packaged snacks are almost all flour-based. Sandwich, hamburger or pizza carry a high blood sugar level, even though they are not sweetened. Most importantly, don't touch these kinds of foods if you are on diabetes treatment.
6 - Frozen food
Frozen foods have become a very common formula in the modern diet. It is an easy and effective food preservation. Households and restaurant owners undertake this method to maintain supplies or preserve pre-cooked dishes.
Still, be aware that this procedure presents a real danger to a person with diabetes. Frozen foods are proven to increase their fat content. In order to balance the blood sugar level in the blood and in the body, foods should be avoided in this state.
7 - French fries
Potato, potato, fish or fried meat, it is appropriate for everyone to consume them in moderation.The diabetic should therefore be more careful! During their preparation, fried foods acquired a large amount toxic substances. These are responsible for the profusion of several diseases, including diabetes. Fried foods thus have a high composition in lipid. Yet these fats are the cause of increased cholesterol levels in the blood.
A good eating habit to conclude
Above all, it is also important to know that a good eating habit is not limited to a simple diet! During diabetes treatment, it is advisable to eat three times a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. None of these three steps should be neglected, especiallybreakfast.
During treatment, sugar intake in foods should be closely monitored. Depending on the course of the disease,the diet will begin with a simple restriction of consumption and could lead to a strict ban. In this case, it is up to the treating physician to prescribe or proscribe a diet or diet.