The foods you eat are distinguished into three main partsaccording to the PH level: acids, neutrals, and bases or alkalis. A good dietary habit favors a ration rich in neutral or basifying foods. Indeed, the cells in your body contribute to the establishment of this balance. Yet, it is appropriate to help them by incorporating calming foods into your daily diet.
What are the basifying foods?
It is advisable to consume basifying foods because analkaline environment is not suitable for the living conditions of cancer cells. Find out in the following listthe most alkalizing foods to incorporate into your eating habit.
A list of the most alkalizing foods
Basifyingfoods are usually plant elements. The list favors fruits, vegetables, but especially leaves.
1 - Aloe Vera
Aloe vera, in all its states, is avery basifying food. It is very often encountered in the therapeutic world. However, nutritionists advise the consumption of food products made from this plant. Its pulp is very richin minerals and in chlorophyll. Usually, aloe vera Is consumed in the form of a drink. There are guides for preparing juice from the bulbs or leaves. However, bewary of industrial products that are deceitful.
Basifying foods: green, non-raw vegetables and fruits.
2 - Spirulina
Among the many virtues of spirulina is its basicizing property. Rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals, it is also a detoxifying food. Consume spirulina plain or in powder form, as a seasoning for your soup, ratatouille and other recipes. Otherwise, there are industrial food products flavored with spirulina such as confectionery and sweets. We may also come across pharmaceutical processes or food supplements through which we could benefit from the virtues of spirulina.
3 - Beetroot
Beetroot is an ordinary vegetable that can be easily found at the market. For abasifying diet, we'll look mainly at its leaves. It is a veryalkalizing food. In addition, it is a very strong antioxidant that is able to flush bad fats out of the blood. You can consume beet greens on the basis of different recipes: in salads, ice cream or smoothies. In addition, they contain a significant amount of nutrients, vitamins, calcium and minerals.
4 - Spinach
Among the breeds that can be found in supermarkets or market gardeners,spinach is a very alkalizing food. The reason this leaf is recommended for consumption is because it is also rich in calcium, minerals and other vitamins. Thanks to itsbasifying properties, spinachis a therapeutic alternativeagainst cancer. Consuming its leaves will help you fight tumor cells. It is advisable to include this plant inyour daily diet.
5 - Cucumber
If you're looking for a basic food recipe, why not make cucumber salad. This vegetable contains mostly water, the easiest way to hydrate. Consuming cucumber offers the body analkaline property and allows it to get rid of cancer cells. It also allows good digestion as it is a very effective detoxifier. Also remember that this food is very rich in nutrients, minerals, calcium and many vitamins.
6- Broccoli
Broccoli combines flavor, luxury and dietary wellness. In order to keep itsalkaline properties and its many virtues, as well as its extraordinary taste, it is advisable to consume it raw, or almost, that is, steamed. Being abasifying food, broccoli Is therefore adetoxifier that contributes to the proper functioning of the digestive system. Thus, because of this alkaline property, it can strengthen the immune system against tumor cells.
7 - Celery
Add celeriac to your usual recipes to season your soup or flavor your dish. This condiment is among alkalizing foods.Celery therefore offers a basifying property to the body. This promotes good digestion and helps prevent the profusion of cancerous tissue. It is also worth noting that in addition to this alkaline quality, celery is rich in calcium and vitamins, additional reasons to include it in the usual diet.
8 - The lawyer
The avocado has many virtues. On the one hand, it belongs to the list of alkalizing foods, on the other hand, it is a very powerful antioxidant. These many properties make this fruit an accompaniment in cancer therapy, regulation of the cardiovascular system and balancing blood sugar.
9 - Mineral waters
In addition to drinks concocted with fruits and vegetables listed above, it is also advisable to drink mineral water; these are generally available inall stores. The bicarbonate content helps neutralize the acid in the liquid.
Basifying foods
The benefits of eating alkalizing foods
An acid-base balance is recommended in your eating habit. Consuming basifying foods will reduce the acidic property in your body. Besides, a basic environment in the body prevents the profusion of cancer cells. This also offers good bone and muscle performance to your body. Finally, for good digestion, there is nothing better than eating more alkalizing foods.