In addition to the anti-cancer and antioxidant properties of broccoli, let's not forget that it also contains a wealth of minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium.
It also contains many vitamins such as B9, better known as folic acid. It is an excellent anti-stress and is often deficient in pregnant women.
Broccoli has twice as much vitamin C as spinach and as much as lemon, which explains its beneficial action on the immune system. It is therefore highly recommended in cases of anemia. It detoxifies the liver and promotes intestinal transit thanks to its richness in cellulose and its particular and slightly laxative carbohydrate compounds. Like all other fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, it reduces the risk of developing cancer, especially in the colon.
Broccoli alone contains almost all of the main dietary antioxidants, sulforaphane, indoles, glutathione, quercetin, B-Carotene and vitamin E. Its nutritional benefits as well as its antioxidant power are more important if it is consumed daily in sprouted and raw form.
The mineral and vitamin richness of broccoli allows it to fight against heart disease, improve eyesight and vision processes, help the immune system to fight against flu and various winter ailments, but also prevent aging and degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, etc. Only people with kidney stones should be cautious in their consumption.
Among the crucifers, all very rich in indoles, a sulphur compound with excellent health properties, it seems that broccoli outperforms its peers because it is easily digested. This vegetable seems to have all the advantages since it is low in calories, while providing protein, carbohydrates and fat.