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L-Glutamine verhoogt de eiwitsynthese, herstelt kraakbeen en pezen, beschermt het immuunsysteem, ...

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    Interne referentie: SP125
    Products Content: 120.0
    Products Content Unit: gélules
    Barcode: SP061

    What is glutamine?

    Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the blood and muscles. It is not an essential amino acid because the body itself is capable of synthesizing it, it is synthesized mainly in the skeletal muscles. 
    Glutamine is particularly essential when the body is subjected to intense sports sessions, or when the body undergoes trauma, burns or infections. A decrease can be noted when the subject is in a state of prolonged stress (injury, sports practice, trauma, inflammation, healing). The latter is then exposed to several infections, the immune system being defective. In this case, glutamine becomes a semi-essential amino acid.

    Like other amino acids, glutamine exists in two different forms

    1. L-glutamine
    2. and D-glutamine.

    Although they are almost identical, there is a small difference in their molecular structure. L-glutamine is the form found in foods and dietary supplements rich in glutamine. It is synthesized from glutamic acid, which is obtained by catabolism of other amino acids.

    However, some foods are really important sources of glutamine. These include dairy products, legumes, cereals, meat and fish. Eating these foods will therefore promote the production of this amino acid. You can also consult our top 10 foods for bodybuilding.

    Glutamine has many scientifically proven roles. Don't think that athletes are the only ones concerned by taking glutamine, the positive effects on the immune system and the intestinal wall are for everyone.

    The benefits of glutamine

    1. Better recovery

    This is often the first argument we hear about taking glutamine: better recovery. This is mainly due to glutamine's ability to improve the replenishment of muscle glycogen stores. Glycogen is the carbohydrate stores in the muscle cells, in other words an energy reserve for your muscles.

    Many studies have shown the impact of glutamine on the speed of replenishing muscle glycogen. This first advantage ensures that sportsmen and women are able to carry on with intense training sessions.

    2. Increased protein synthesis

    Like all other amino acids, glutamine serves as a substrate for the formation of proteins. These are necessary for the functioning of muscles. Without this amino acid, it is almost impossible to perform certain movements.

    L-glutamine participates in the development of muscle tissue by promoting protein synthesis and amplifying the action of Leucine. For this reason, it has an anabolic effect. This means that it promotes an important secretion of proteins and muscle cells. 

    The anabolic effects of glutamine are not associated exclusively with its action on protein synthesis, but also with an increase in the production of natural growth hormone, and the ability to lower cortisol levels to increase glycogen stores in the muscles.

    It can be noted that glutamine-rich supplements and BCAAs work together for protein synthesis and muscle mass gain.

    3. Cartilage and tendon repair

    Glutamine is responsible for the production of glucosamine. This one intervenes at the level of the cartilages and tendons of the muscles of which it facilitates the reconstruction. A good concentration of glutamine in the muscles thus ensures their solidity and their resistance. Moreover, the chances of rapid recovery in case of muscular injuries are very high.

    4. Protection of the immune system

    An increase in glutamine in the muscles also reduces the risk of leucine oxidation. The formation of free radicals is therefore no longer possible, just like the destruction of cells. The organism benefits from a better protection. On the other hand, a glutamine deficiency also leads to an imbalance in the immune system, fatigue, and can cause various infections (the intestinal wall becomes weaker).

    It should be noted that glutamine supplementation is used in hospitals in cases of chemotherapy or other treatments because it plays a positive role on the body.

    5. Handhaaft de integriteit van de darmwand

    Glutamine is dit aminozuur dat helpt porositeitsproblemen in de darm te corrigeren. Dit verbetert het verteringsproces en vergemakkelijkt het uitsorteren van deze uitwisselingsmuur. Glutamine speelt een zeer belangrijke rol bij het behoud van de integriteit van het lichaam.

    Glutamine is de beste energiebron voor de enterocyten (cellen van de dunne darm) en voor de witte bloedcellen.

    6. Handhaving van zuur-base-evenwicht

    Bovendien is glutamine belangrijk voor de handhaving van het zuur-base-evenwicht in het bloed. Het helpt de zuurgraad van de pH-waarde van het lichaam te bestrijden, die vaak het gevolg is van slechte voeding en langdurige lichamelijke activiteit.

    Het helpt ook om de veroudering van de huid te vertragen en verbetert de kwaliteit van de slaap.

    Glutamine voor atleten? 

    Door de intensiteit van de oefeningen die zij ondergaan, kunnen sportbeoefenaars glutaminesupplementen nodig hebben, zodat we verschillende sporten kunnen combineren: glutamine voor bodybuilding of glutamine voor uithoudingsvermogen. De reden hiervoor is dat een hoge mate van lichamelijke activiteit een aanzienlijke daling van het glutaminegehalte veroorzaakt, waardoor het lichaam in zekere mate verzwakt. Een voorraad glutamine zorgt dus voor een aanzienlijke hoeveelheid energie tijdens de sessie.

    De hoge concentratie glutamine in het spierweefsel helpt spierpijn te verminderen en te herstellen na zware lichamelijke inspanning. Het spreekt voor zich dat glutamine en herstel hand in hand gaan.

    Wanneer moet ik het innemen? 

    Inname van glutamine wordt meestal aanbevolen na een sportsessie vanwege de verschillende voordelen zoals herstel en eiwitsynthese. 

    Sommige professionele atleten gebruiken het voor en tijdens het sporten om de gevonden vermoeidheid te verlichten.


    Ingrediënten voor: C.J.R. (4 capsules / dag)
    - * L-Glutamine (natuurlijk) geëxtraheerd uit maïs - Zea Mays: 1 880,00 mg
    - Rijstpoeder, HPMC-capsule.
    - Gewicht : 2 320,00 mg.


    - Flesje met 120 capsules.
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