Grapefruit Seed Extract 800mg - organic
13.00 € 13.00 €
L'Extrait de Pépin de Pamplemousse (EPP) riche en bioflavonoïdes à large spectre d'action augmente la résistance de l'organisme en éliminant les agents perturbateurs.
Taragon essential oil - organic
13.40 € 13.40 €
L'huile essentielle d'Estragon est très efficace pour améliorer la digestion, atténuer le hoquet et calmer certaines allergies.
Castor oil - organic
6.60 € 6.60 €
Colouring care with plants - Golden blonde (010 Gold-blond)
8.80 € 8.80 €
Especially recommended for sensitive or impure skin, for sensitive scalps and in case of dandruff and oily hair.
Argile Verte surfine
8.60 € 8.60 €
Argiletz green surfine clay is a rigorously selected, extensively tested illite clay, exceptionally rich in minerals useful to the body and effective for numerous health applications.
Ghassoul Clay Powder - 1 kg
21.20 € 21.20 €
Especially recommended for sensitive or impure skin, for sensitive scalps and in case of dandruff and oily hair.
Cashew Nuts - organic
7.30 € 7.30 €
Nail Polish cherry red
4.00 € 4.00 €
Figs - organic
8.50 € 8.50 €
Chia seeds - organic
7.00 € 7.00 €
Almondkernels - organic
12.60 € 12.60 €
Markal Amandes décortiquées – bio : Les amandes, fruits de l'amandier, ont une valeur nutritive très élevée et comme tous les oléagineux contiennent d'importants et nombreux nutriments.
Whole Black Rice - organic
4.50 € 4.50 €
Wild rice - organic
13.10 € 13.10 €
Lupin flour - organic
4.10 € 4.10 €
Latin name, Lupinus albus, lupin is a legume with a very high protein content (higher than that of cultivated protein crops, even soybeans: 40% for lupin beans vs. 30% for soybeans), fiber, tocopherol (antioxidant) and essential fatty acids.
Goji berries - organic
3.80 € 3.80 €
goji berries are interesting for their antioxidant content. Recent research has identified goji berries as having antioxidant, immunostimulant, antidiabetic, antihypertensive, anti-infertility and lipid-lowering properties.