Dates - organic
5.20 € 5.20 €
Aspen Bach Flower G2 - organic, alcohol-free
12.90 € 12.90 €
Aspen Bach Flower is synonymous with confidence and serenity. It helps you face the fear of the unknown.
18-Impatiens - Impatience - organic - 20ml
13.80 € 13.80 €
Do you find it hard to accept that things aren't moving as quickly as you'd like? Bach Flower Impatient helps you to accept the natural rhythm of life.
Hemp Seeds - organic
3.50 € 3.50 €
Les graines de chanvre sont riches en protéines et lipides de qualité, vitamines et minéraux et avec un taux d'antioxydants élevé. À utiliser en cuisine et pâtisserie.
Hair Oil - Vitality Grow
13.90 € 13.90 €
Revitalizes hair roots and stimulates hair regrowth
Hair Oil - Strong Amla
11.90 € 11.90 €
Strengthens the hair roots for thick, strong hair
Ayurvedic Elixir Shampoo - Rose Repair
15.90 € 15.90 €
Cleanses and repairs brittle, damaged hair. A wealth of love and luxury for your hair: for intensive, nourishing regeneration of dry, damaged hair.
Bee Pollen - organic
19.80 € 19.80 €
Le pollen d'abeille est composé de petites boulettes produites par les abeilles lorsqu'elles mélangent leur nectar aux grains microscopiques du pollen de fleurs qu'elles récoltent
Sea spaghetti - organic
5.20 € 5.20 €
Arche Spaghetti de mer dried brown seaweed has a delicately spicy aroma. A delicious addition to salads, soups, omelettes, stews and pancakes.
TONIGEM - GC16 - organic
13.70 € 13.70 €
Tones the body in case of tiredness
Maize bud extract - organic
10.80 € 10.80 €
Product temporarily unavailable.
Green Clay - Superfine
4.80 € 4.80 €
Argiletz green surfine clay is a rigorously selected, extensively tested illite clay, exceptionally rich in minerals useful to the body and effective for numerous health applications.
Maternity pads - organic
5.30 € 5.30 €
Maternity pads absorbent and gentle on the skin.
Arrowroot - organic
17.80 € 17.80 €
Arrowroot starch is extracted from the plant's rhizome to produce a highly digestible flour that can be used as a food additive (thickener, vegetable binder, from around 65°C), a basic ingredient in pastries and confectionery ("bonbons à la rouroute"), and a regulator of intestinal function in cases of diarrhea.
Nocciolata - organic
5.70 € 5.70 €
Red Rice, whole - organic
4.20 € 4.20 €
Shampoo - Amla Volume
15.90 € 15.90 €
Amla improves hair texture and tensile strength, while fresh Tulsi, Bhringaraj and Brahmi fruits strengthen roots. Ylang Ylang essential oil promotes hair growth.