Qu'est-ce que l'allopathie verte ? C'est prendre un complément alimentaire naturel ou une plante pour soulager un symptôme. Cette pratique peut être efficace mais pas sur le long terme et c'est surtout passé à côté du principe naturopathique qui est de travailler sur l'origine de la problématique, sur le terrain, sur la cause de votre mal. Ainsi, en agissant uniquement sur le symptomatique, certes vous soulagez le trouble mais peut-être pas de manière profonde et durable !
En effet, beaucoup pense que les méthodes naturelles ne sont pas efficaces car leur mode d'utilisation est calqué sur le modèle allopathique et symptomatique. Malheureusement, c'est en procédant ainsi que vous risquez de voir réapparaître vos douleurs une fois votre cure terminée ! Déception garantie...
Les compléments alimentaires s'intègrent dans un mode de vie revisité
If, for example, you take natural herbal syrup to improve your breathing but don't exercise, eat pro-inflammatory foods, smoke like a firefighter, and go through a stressful episode at work, chances are that your physical situation will only improve occasionally.
For a dietary supplement to be effective, it must be of good quality, well dosed, but above all included in an adapted and personalized vital hygiene program. Indeed, the food supplement develops its full potential when it is in synergy with other techniques and practices.
Les compléments alimentaires, quand et comment les prendre ?
Depending on the galenic form, whether in liquid, encapsulated or tablet form, it is generally recommended to take the dietary supplement outside of meals so that the active ingredients are not destroyed during food digestion. However, depending on your disorders, particularly digestive, you may be advised to take them with a meal.
Oil capsules (evening primrose, borage, flaxseed...) will be taken during the meal to avoid unpleasant discharge.
Syrups and liquid extracts are best taken away from meals. In addition, a tip is to keep the drink in your mouth for a few moments before swallowing so that the active ingredients pass into the bloodstream more quickly. Indeed, the mouth is richly vascularized, thus allowing it to be an open door to your entire body.
Les compléments alimentaires, les cures et les fenêtres thérapeutiques
As with all ingested substances,dietary supplements can fatigue or influence the proper functioning of certain organs. To avoid overuse and the appearance of addiction, it is necessary to create therapeutic windows during which there is a break in the protocol.
Moreover, it is common to proceed with 21-day cures because it is said, among other things, that the brain takes 21 days to create new neural pathways in the acquisition of a new habit.
Naturel ne veut pas dire inoffensif
It is important to remember that it is the toxic principle of the herb that makes it effective. It is because rosemary is hepatotoxic (in high doses) that it is recommended for stimulating hepatobiliary function in sluggish livers. As they say in the natural health community, "the dose makes the poison. "The manufacturers thus manage to offer you products which, when they are used in the rules of art, respect the regulations in force and your health!
If you are taking medication at the same time, it is important to talk to your doctor or pharmacist to avoid any interaction or overdose. However, few doctors are aware of natural and phytotherapeutic practices. This is more the responsibility of pharmacists and naturopaths, which is why it is important to be accompanied!