Trabecular osteoporosis, which is expressed by non-traumatic vertebral compression. This form of osteoporosis mainly affects women and is responsible for fractures of the lower end of the radius.
Cortical, resulting in spontaneous fractures or after minimal trauma, mainly localized at the femoral neck.
Women are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis after menopause. In fact, the drop in estrogen levels leads to bone fragility. It is therefore necessary to take preventive action around the age of 50 or even before for those who are already predisposed.
Calcium supplementation as a first-line treatment
Pour prévenir ou pour limiter la porosité et la perte de densité osseuse, un apport decalcium bio assimilable devient évident. Il faut faire attention car son absorption intestinale diminue avec l'âge. Il est donc important d'en consommer de qualité et dont l'absorption est optimisée.
The calcium acts especially on the level of the hormonal secretions parathyroid which have for role to stimulate the osseous resorption. It thus slows down the loss of bone density.
Attention au lait qui malgré sa richesse en calcium a une tendance acidifiante ce qui engendre finalement une décalcification. Dans ce cas, il est préférable de trouver d'autres sources de calcium notamment végétale comme : les amandes, les légumes verts, les épinards, les graines de sésame, les noix, les noisettes...
Vitamin D to potentiate the effects of calcium
Vitamin D often accompanies calcium in medications and food supplements. This vitamin allows calcium to bind to the bones. It is essential for good bone health.
The prevention of vitamin D deficiency is necessary especially in winter. The easiest way to get your daily vitamin D ratio is to expose your face without sunglasses, your forearms and your legs to the sun for 20 minutes every day. Indeed, it is synthesized by the skin from UV rays.
Vitamin D is also found in cod liver oil, halibut liver and summer butter (which is very rare to find commercially).
It is strongly recommended to take a vitamin D cure from November to March to compensate for any possible deficiency.
Le silicium pour gagner en souplesse
The siliciumSilicon is essential for people suffering from osteoporosis and even better as a preventive measure because it allows the fixation of calcium. It can be found in "stem" plants such as horsetail, but also in whole grains.
Silicon stimulates the production of osteoblasts and collagen. It thus contributes to the formation of new bone tissue and thus to the densification of the latter.
Be careful if you are under treatment, because some interactions may exist.
Physical exercise and sports to keep joints mobile
Putting the body in motion solicits the different organic systems and participates effectively in maintaining the osteo-articular system in good health.
Every day, it is recommended to at least walk. A sedentary lifestyle is the number one enemy of the body.
Did you know that? It takes 3 months to build muscle and 3 weeks to lose it all!
Choose a gentle and regular activity for your joints that will strengthen you while working on your flexibility, such as cycling, swimming, tai chi, chi-gong, yoga, pilates, active walking, etc.
Maintenir l'équilibre acido-basique dans l'assiette
An acidic diet weakens the skeleton. Indeed, to compensate for the acidity, the body will dip into its reserves such as teeth and bones for example because calcium is alkaline.
It is recommended to eat fresh organic fruits and vegetables at every meal and to limit (or even eliminate) red meat, cold cuts, cheeses, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, refined products (sugar and white flours) and if possible, ban industrial products, sodas, sweets?
Take the time to eat calmly, without rushing and chewing sufficiently.