Certaines infections virales : comme la grippe, la mononucléose, le VIH, l'hépatite B et C
A parasitic infection
Endocrine disorders: hypothyroidism
Cancer sequelae due to most treatments
Abuse of sleeping pills, neuroleptics, benzodiazepines...
Quand le stress chronique épuise
Le stress Chronic stress exhausts. Whether it is physical and/or psychological, it depletes reserves and weakens the body. The over-solicitation of the adrenals and the retro-control that no longer takes place is hormonal upheaval. Depression, burn-out and sometimes decompensation of the psychic strucutres appear.
Il existe trois types d'asthénie
Organic asthenia after an infectious disease
Reactive or functional asthenia when it is the state of chronic stress that prevents recovery.
Psychic asthenia in depressed or bereaved people.
Les signes de l'asthénie
The state of intense fatigue is mostly accompanied by a lack of appetite, sleep disturbance, mood instability and decreased libido. But not only....
Exhaustion is experienced as intense and widespread. It can occur at any age and is often multifactorial. Cognitive problems may appear: difficulty in memorization, concentration, learning and attention.
The loss of appetite typical of asthenia can lead to weight loss, which maintains the risk of deficiency and thus the state of intense fatigue.
S'accorder des moments de OFF pour prévenir la fatigue
The greatest prevention of fatigue is rest. Obviously, the first step is sleep. Having sufficient and quality sleep is essential to recharge the batteries. Without it, you can't last long.
In addition to this, it is important to give yourself resourceful time during the day that allows you to take a break and cut back on the hectic pace of your busy days. This can be the practice of a physical or artistic activity, reading a book, meditation, drinking an infusion, taking a breath of fresh air, gardening etc... There is a rule that says that people who practice an intellectual professional activity must discharge themselves by practicing a physical activity and vice versa. This method helps to break away from an established and well-structured routine, avoid boredom and regenerate the body and mind.
L'accompagnement naturel de asthénie
The first thing, of course, is to find the cause and remove it.
Doing psychological work can help you understand why you have reached such a level of exhaustion if it is of psycho-emotional origin. By learning to manage your emotions and respect your physiological needs, you can regain control of your health and avoid exceeding your fatigue threshold.
Par ailleurs, l'asthénie peut-être soulagée grâce à une refonte de votre hygiène de vie, en commençant par votre assiette. Privilégiez les fruits et légumes frais, bio, crus ou peu cuits, les acides gras essentiels (oméga 3et 6 ), les protéines de qualité et supprimez tous les excitants, les fritures et les plats industriels.
Do not give in to inactivity. It is important to return to gentle physical activity such as yoga, tai chi, qi-gong, gentle gymnastics, walking, swimming etc... Sport allows to revive all the organic functions and to activate the emunctories. The body is energized while evacuating accumulated toxins.
In addition to psychological support and a review of your lifestyle, all nutritional deficiencies must be addressed. A sustained intake of vitamins, minerals and trace elements will restore the internal balance, lower the cortisol level (the level of stress) and gradually bring the body to rest and regeneration.