
Bach flowers

09 - Clematis - organic - 20 ml
13.80 € 13.80 €
Vitality and joie de vivre - Helps to anchor oneself in reality and control one's imagination.
08 - Chicory - organic - 20 ml
13.80 € 13.80 €
Acceptance and understanding - Helps respect the freedom of others and opens the way to tolerance and altruism.
07 - Chestnut Bud - organic - 20 ml
13.80 € 13.80 €
Vitality and joie de vivre - Intensifies alertness, understanding and experiential learning.
Cerato - Plumbago - organic - 20 ml
13.80 € 13.80 €
Bach Flower Plumbago helps to gain confidence in one's own judgment, without systematically seeking the approval of others.
Beech - organic - 20 ml
13.80 € 13.80 €
Beech helps critical people to welcome events and people without judgment, with empathy.
Cherry Plum Bach Flower G6 - organic, alcohol-free
12.90 € 12.90 €
Are you afraid of losing your mind and doing the wrong thing? Plum Bach Flower helps you to let go without losing control.
Centaury Bach Flower G4 - organic, alcohol-free
12.90 € 12.90 €
Balance your needs with those of others.
Agrimony Bach Flower G1 - organic, alcohol-free
12.90 € 12.90 €
La Fleur de Bach Aigremoine (n° 1) est destinée aux personnes qui cachent leurs souffrances, craintes derrière un masque jovial. Elles ont tendance à se voiler la face, a minimiser les problèmes, a refuser de se confronter aux réalités de la vie.
Aspen Bach Flower G2 - organic, alcohol-free
12.90 € 12.90 €
Aspen Bach Flower is synonymous with confidence and serenity. It helps you face the fear of the unknown.
18-Impatiens - Impatience - organic - 20ml
13.80 € 13.80 €
Do you find it hard to accept that things aren't moving as quickly as you'd like? Bach Flower Impatient helps you to accept the natural rhythm of life.
Scleranthus Bach Flower G28 - organic, alcohol-free
12.90 € 12.90 €
La Fleur de Bach Scléranthe (n° 28) est destinée aux personnes qui hésitent à choisir ou à prendre une décision lorsque plusieurs choix se proposent. Elles sont hésitantes, indécises quant au choix à faire.
Willow Bach Flower G38 - organic, alcohol-free
12.90 € 12.90 €
Bach Flower Willow helps you to take charge of your own life when you feel resentful or bitter.
Gentian Bach Flower G12 - organic, alcohol-free
12.90 € 12.90 €
La Fleur de Bach Gentiane (n° 12) est destinée aux personnes lassées, pessimistes, mélancoliques. Elles sont souvent découragées, sceptiques et à tendance dépressive.