
Winter care

Winter care to keep your body in shape

In winter, the body is exposed to a wide range of aggressions. The cold, weather conditions, temperature changes... all these attacks from nature do their utmost to weaken our bodies and their natural defenses.

Propolis mouth spray, grapefruit seed extract, honey, orange - Organic
10.80 € 10.80 €
This spray with propolis and grapefruit seed extract soothes the throat and freshens the breath.
Pine propolis gums & trace elements - Organic
5.30 € 5.30 €
A sugar-free gum for a feeling of well-being and throat relief.
Propolis (green) Gummies, Grapefruit seed extract, Eucalyptus - organic
5.40 € 5.40 €
Propos'Nature's green Propolis Grapefruit Seed Extract Eucalyptus gums are delicious and active. They deliver a feeling of well-being from the very first gum, thanks to Propolis, an incredible active ingredient packed with benefits.
Aromaforce Nose spray - organic
9.90 € 9.90 €
Decongestant nasal spray in case of rhinitis and rhinopharyngitis
Thyme, dried - organic
7.00 € 7.00 €
Cloves - organic
6.40 € 6.40 €
Bee Pollen - organic
19.80 € 19.80 €
Le pollen d'abeille est composé de petites boulettes produites par les abeilles lorsqu'elles mélangent leur nectar aux grains microscopiques du pollen de fleurs qu'elles récoltent
Spanish sweet thyme - organic
8.00 € 8.00 €
Spanish Sweet Thyme Essential Oil, moderate in its action, is ideal for bacterial, mycotic and viral infections (suitable for children and sensitive persons).
Enriched Propolis (Broad Spectrum) - organic
15.80 € 15.80 €
At the first signs of a cold
Grapefruit Seed Extract 800mg - organic
13.00 € 13.00 €
L'Extrait de Pépin de Pamplemousse (EPP) riche en bioflavonoïdes à large spectre d'action augmente la résistance de l'organisme en éliminant les agents perturbateurs.
Eucalyptus globulus essential oil - organic
4.10 € 4.10 €
This essential oil is anti-infectious and offers a very pleasant refreshing effect. In winter, it helps to breathe better.
Lip Balm - Demeter
9.90 € 9.90 €
Tonic - organic
17.40 € 17.40 €
Plantes médicinales, l'échinacée est connue pour stimuler les défenses immunitaires, le ginseng comme tonique en cas de fatigue et le ginkgo pour améliorer les performances du cerveau.
Breathing Syrup - organic
17.40 € 17.40 €
Helps clear congested airways
Syrup for Colds and Chills - organic
17.40 € 17.40 €
Soothes irritated throat
Maria Treben Swedish Bitters 17° - organic
23.40 € 23.40 €
Le véritable Élixir Suédois 17° selon Maria Treben, DEPURATIF - TONIQUE - DIGESTIF, recette originale aux 59 plantes biologiques.