
Les Fournisseurs

Grog Sleep - 100 ML
16.60 € 16.60 €
Promotes quality sleep
Sleep Forte Capsules - 30 capsules
21.90 € 21.90 €
Promotes quality sleep.
Sleep Roller - 5 ml
13.30 € 13.30 €
For a quality sleep in case of night wakings
Solution - Natural defenses - 30 ml
15.60 € 15.60 €
Contains essential oil of Eucalyptus globulus to maintain natural defenses
Solution - Natural defenses - 5 ml
7.90 € 7.90 €
Contains essential oil of Eucalyptus globulus to maintain natural defenses
Sanitizing Spray - 75 ml
15.60 € 15.60 €
Ravintsara - Tea tree - Assainit l'air
Sanitizing Spray - 150 ml
26.20 € 26.20 €
Ravintsara - Tea tree - Assainit l'air
Capsules - Eye-Nose Comfort - 30 capsules
18.90 € 18.90 €
Capsules with 100% natural essential oils, including German chamomile, which helps in case of irritation
Hydro-alcoholic spray+ - 30 ml
7.20 € 7.20 €
Hands and small surfaces - Immediate effectiveness
Throat spray - 15 ml
9.90 € 9.90 €
Soothes the throat - Contains Thyme Thujanol and Peppermint to soothe the throat, pharynx and vocal cords
Throat lozenges - 21 lozenges
12.30 € 12.30 €
+ Thyme ct thujanol - Soothes and softens
Body Spray - Light Legs - 75 ml
20.40 € 20.40 €
Soothes, refreshes and tones - Can be used on stockings and tights
16.60 € 16.60 €
Apaise, rafraichit et tonifie
FORTE Capsules - Light Legs - 30 capsules
21.90 € 21.90 €
Contains essential oils of rosemary and juniper that help drainage in case of water retention and red vine extract that helps support the circulation of heavy legs
24.90 € 24.90 €
This powerful synergy is made up of organic essential oils of lavender, lemon eucalyptus, palmarosa, lemongrass, tea-tree, geranium, clove and ginger. This combination of 100% natural, pure and integral Essential Oils creates a pleasant atmosphere, while naturally repelling mosquitoes.
Soothing Cream Gel - 40 ml
15.40 € 15.40 €
Insect and plant bites - Itching - Irritation
After Bite Roller - 15 ml
14.30 € 14.30 €
Soothing gel - Convenient to use and easy to take anywhere.
Bronchial Capsules - 30 capsules
17.90 € 17.90 €
Contains peppermint essential oil to maintain respiratory health