For several years now, Santi-shop has been working with a deep-sea enthusiast who offers a very special "René Quinton" plasma.
Except for its extreme purity, since the seawater from which it is extracted is drawn deep from rare locations on Earth, which the French coast is fortunate enough to enjoy. These are areas of high tidal range, home to precious phytoplankton, whose job it is to purify ocean water.
Plasma marin : ocean areas
Infinitely purer than most of the least polluted ocean areas, this naturally energized seawater is then scrupulously filtered using the René Quinton process, and thus purged of all forms of residual pollutants potentially present, right down to the nanoparticle scale.
Unlike the majority of formulas available on the market, this precious drinkable hypertonic seawater is in no way ionized or sterilized, enabling it to retain its perfect vitality.
What's more, although hypertonic, it's very inexpensive compared with other brands since, as you may know, you only need to add 3 doses of pure water to 1 dose of hypertonic seawater to obtain an isotonic dilution.
Plasma marin A look back at Vitalisea seawater and its extraction process
At the time of its creation, the artisan-harvester of this water worked with Marc Josifoff, an old friend and collaborator of Naevius Sakon, who called on his talents as a film-maker to produce a short film explaining the specificity of this very special seawater.
Plasma marin The story of Vitalisea and seawater
But what would this retrospective be without my previous articles on the subject?
To access both the history of Vitalisea and the René Quinton process, paying tribute to this great man who saved an entire generation of newborn babies, I invite you to read, or reread, this article:
Plasma marin updated and expanded recipes
Much appreciated and useful on a daily basis, I offer you new applications and recipes for Quinton plasma, as well as a more global vision of its virtues:
For nasal nasal wash morning nasal wash with isotonic plasma, use a 1/3 isotonic dilution. Suitable for everyone, including children, to clear the ENT tract.
At gargleHypertonic plasma is used for daily hygiene of the gums, tongue and throat.
As a toning lotion on the face, in the morning on waking: apply either as a spray using a pump bottle, or with a cotton wipe soaked in plasma. Rinse off before applying a suitable skin care oil.
To prepare a salad dressingmix 1 tablespoon of Plasma hypertonique with 1 teaspoon mustard, 3 tablespoons olive oil and 1 tablespoon vinegar. No salt is added, but as many herbs and spices as you like.

To enrich your fresh juices and smoothiesYou can add isotonic plasma at a rate of 2 tablespoons per 250ml of juice.
To prepare your lacto-fermented vegetablesPlace finely chopped or grated vegetables in an airtight glass jar: beet, white or red cabbage, carrot, celeriac... You can mix the vegetables if you wish.
Pack carefully, then cover with hypertonic marine plasmaClose the jar tightly and keep it still at room temperature for 5 to 7 days. Once fermentation has stabilized, you can store it in a cool place (between 12 and 18 degrees), preferably away from light, for at least 3 weeks.
You can then enjoy your lacto-fermented vegetables. Unopened, the jars keep for 1 year; once opened, the vegetables should be eaten within two weeks, keeping the jar refrigerated.
Some cases where the marin plasma is strongly recommended:
- As an anti-inflammatory
- For joints and bones, from osteoarthritis to osteoporosis
- To revitalize the body in cases of fatigue, weight loss and even depression
- For the urogenital system, but more specifically in the event of pregnancy, as an anti-oedematous diuretic, or for the prostate, gout and cancer.
- To enhance the effect of other remedies taken during the day
- To support the body during intense sports activities...
And did you know that until 1975, Quinton plasma appeared in the Vidal as a drug recognized by allopathic medicine?
The latter gave him the following indications:
- Organic regeneration, gradually replacing blood plasma
- Rebalancing, thanks to its powerful, highly assimilable mineral content
- Against all forms of trace element deficiency
- For its homeopathic action concerning the nutrients it contains in small quantities.
Addressing both :
- For infants suffering from gastroenteritis, toxicosis, athrepsia, anorexia or eczema, and for premature and deficient infants.
- Adults suffering from anemia, asthenia, overwork, senescence disorders, chronic vomiting, gastroenteritis, constipation, dysentery, colibacilluria, tuberculosis or multiple sclerosis.
- those suffering from gynaecological disorders such as utero-vaginal infections and congestion
- To support the ENT sphere
- To improve and sometimes even treat dermatological disorders such as eczema, urticaria, psoriasis and prurigo.
- To combat allergies
- To help reconstitute blood mass
- To fight cancer and vaginal infections.

Plasma marin When should a hypertonic cure be avoided, and when should an isotonic dilution be preferred?
In certain cases, it is preferable to dilute hypertonic Quinton water with isotonic water.
Or use it in hypotonic dilution, a few drops of marine plasma in 1 liter of pure water.
In some cases, you may even want to avoid this therapy altogether if you're following an iodine- and salt-free diet, for example, where we prefer to use isotonic brine and consume only foods that have been macerated in it for several weeks.
You'll prefer an isotonic dilution, which is very easy to make by mixing 1 part Vitalisea in 2 parts pure water, just in case:
- If you suffer from mild fatigue, but prefer the energizing effect of hypertonics for chronic fatigue
- If you are psychologically unstable and wish to avoid over-boosting your defences and organic processes
- Or if you can't tolerate marine iodine.
However, although Vitalisea is a remedy suitable for everyone, promoting the functions of living organisms in their entirety, it may be preferable to avoid it if you suffer from :
- High blood pressure
- Kidney failure
- Cardiovascular disorders
- Hyperthyroidism
- Or water retention.
And although the old version of the Vidal recommends it in hypertonic form, naturopaths agree that it is preferable to opt for the isotonic version in cases of eczema and major skin disorders, given the reactions of detox crises and intense organic activity that a sustained course of hypertonic may provoke.
Plasma marin How do you organize a pure internal Vitalisea cure?
Should you wish to consume it pure and as a cure, the most important thing to know about Quinton plasma is that it's best to consume it gradually, but also to stop using it gradually.
For a hypertonic cure, for example, you can start with :
- 30 to 40ml for the first two days, taken three times before each meal
- 90 to 100ml over the next two days, always in three separate doses
- 120 to 130ml the following two days, in three doses
- up to 200ml to finish the first week and throughout your cure.
Before stopping your treatment, simply reverse this progression in three stages of two days each, going from 200ml to 120ml, then from 120ml to 90ml, and finally from 90ml to 30ml.
No undesirable effects will occur if you have to stop it more abruptly, but it's always a good idea to give your body time to get used to simple, non-iodized water, and of course as pure as possible.
Finally, the same type of precautions can be applied to an isotonic cure, except that you can increase the dose to 300 or 350ml per day.