Very dangerous, even in very small quantities

Even in very small quantities that may seem harmless, some products are excessively dangerous.

This has just been confirmed by Dr. Guessous Mohamed, a specialist in eye diseases and surgery. This doctor is a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine in Lyon and is a sworn expert for the courts. Remember that aspartame is also hidden under the E951.

It is composed of 50% phenylalanine, 40% aspartic acid and 10% methanol (or wood alcohol). For information, 2% of the population is allergic to phenylalanine. The aspartic acid is a toxic substance for the human brain. As for methanol, it is a deadly poison that is gradually released in the small intestine. It would be released from products containing aspartame from a temperature of 30 degrees when stored in heated places, when cooking, or simply in the human body!

When this poison accumulates, it can cause vision problems such as foggy, cloudy or obscured vision, double vision, narrowing of the visual field, retinal damage and in some severe cases it can lead to vision loss. In the event of methanol poisoning, many other symptoms may appear. Specialists have identified a few hundred side effects, 92 to be exact, such as headaches, ringing in the ears, gastrointestinal problems, weakness, dizziness, chills, searing pain in the limbs and extremities, neuritis, cramps, chronic fatigue, insomnia, memory loss, nosebleeds, and strong sensitivity to noise, feeling of being cold even in the middle of summer, menstrual problems, impotence, sexual problems, hyperventilation, seizures and convulsions, epilepsy, nausea, vomiting, hypo- and hyperglycemia, chest pain, thyroid problems, tremors, pain when swallowing or urinating, sensitivity to infections, hypertension, asthma... But also personality and behavioral disorders such as sudden attacks of aggressiveness sometimes accompanied by physical violence, paranoia, agoraphobia and other phobias, panic attacks and dementia, irritability, alterations in character, difficulty concentrating, mental confusion, hyperactivity, a lack of concentration...
Theaspartame could be involved in or promote the development of so-called "civilization" diseases such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, lupus, diabetes and its complications, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, lymphoma, congenital malformations or chronic fatigue syndrome.

There is another important problem with this additive, as it is highly addictive and getting rid of it is not an easy task.

Get into the habit of reading the labels of the products you buy and ban E951 forever.

Some specialists and scientists are currently sounding the alarm and calling aspartame the deadliest additive in the world!

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 9 January, 2014
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More scientific studies tampered with in favor of the pharmaceutical lobby