Our dwellings - houses or apartments - need, as do we humans, to "get some air" and allow for ambient air pollution control. We frequently go to the woods, the sea, the mountains to regenerate and regain our vitality. Know that our habitats have the same needs. That's why not promotingair circulation in the house could trigger day-to-day worries like humidity buildup, of condensation, mould but also energy stagnation which would be far too harmful for the good life of the habitat but also of its inhabitants.
Purifying the air in your home: how do you do it?
Air purifiers, diffusers, sprays or even ionizers, the tools to purify the air in a home are numerous and today's technologies offer different methods that can be easily adopted at home. With varying costs, these technological means allow for practical and appropriate solutions for everyday life.
Nevertheless, the simplest and least expensive ancestral method of airing one's home is opening doors and windows for a limited time each morning. In fact, the house needs full air exchange, every day. It must be said that our homes suffer greatly from stagnation of old energy and dormant molecules. Not only does this cause problems in the habitat itself but also on the health of its inhabitants. By then allowing these large currents of air each morning, we thus allow ourselves to clean a home entirely in just a few minutes.
Ideally, we recommend practicing theseair movements before noon, usually as soon as you wake up. With this in mind, contact with outside pollution is avoided, which is more prominent in the afternoon periods. In summer, one can also take advantage of the cool evening to open all doorsand all windows again after 10 or 11 p.m., at which time one can benefit from cleaner air. This is because during the day, the air is too polluted by cars, factories, people smoking, etc.
Purifying room air: the energy expenditure
Many times, we worry about consuming too much energy or heating by opening all the doors and windows in the house. From then on, we avoid practicing this routine thinking we'll save on the monthly electricity or heating bill. Not only is this idea wrong but also, by preventing the renewal of the ambient air, you promote energy increase.
Indeed, preserving a stagnation of polluted air in the habitat, we favor a bad quality of this air, having a major impact on daily life. The fact remains that if you leave your windows swinging all day, the energy expenditure will be greater because the air will cool constantly but also, the expected effect will be much less interesting.
Purifying room air: the mistake not to make
Out of convenience, no doubt, we often buy sprays that clean the air in our homes or parfume this one. Unfortunately, by using these types of products, we are polluting the habitat further. Since these commercialized sprays contain various harmful substances such as allergens or toxic substances, we advise excluding these refreshing products in your daily routine.
Also, think of the ozone layer that receives, every day, those many propellant gases.
The natural alternatives also exist with healthier sprays, mainly at the essential oils. But, then again, the danger exists! Indeed, it is impossible to create a sanitizing product without including undesirable and unhealthy substances. Certainly, these brands claim to be "green" and therefore health friendly. But unfortunately, the day-to-day consequences are there with risks ofasthma, d’allergiesirritation, breathing difficulties but also an invisible pollution on the body, but nevertheless very present.
Air purification: the alternatives
In the era of this 21th century where everything goes through materialization, we are quickly tempted by the alternatives - natural or not - because they are numerous and promise miracles: Armenia paper ( composed mainly of benzoin) , scented candles with essential oilsThese are the incense sticks or cones, or the plants to purify such as sage or Palo Santo.
These natural alternatives can troubleshoot or become occasional, but they should not be the daily solution to home air renewal. Indeed, there's nothing like a wave of new air to put things back in order.