Purify tap water

No more plastic water bottles to have a pure and tasty water thanks to the ceramic beads and the carbon filter! The EM ceramic beads to be put directly in your pitcher will allow you to reduce limestone deposits and remove the bad taste of tap water. And the carbon filter absorbs toxins, lead, chlorine, while leaving the good components (calcium, magnesium) in the water. Santi-shop offers you a durable, healthy, ecological and economical solution to filter your water. Discover the ceramic beads and the purifying carbon filters.

Plastic bottles, an ecological plague

Santi-shop pense à vous mais aussi à la planète. Nous vous proposons des filtres à charbon et des perles en céramique pour filtrer et adoucir votre eau courante. Les bouteilles en plastique sont un véritable fléau écologique. Une fois utilisées, elles se recyclent très mal. 

En effet, de nombreuses particules finissent par contaminer les océans et à empoisonner la faune marine.  De plus, le plastique des bouteilles d'eau est également responsable (en partie) de troubles hormonaux à cause des perturbateurs endocriniens qui le composent. 

Thus, adopting charcoal filters and/or ceramic beads is a gesture for the planet, for your health and your wallet.

Ceramic beads, how it works

The beads allow for the purification of water by biological reaction. Unlike conventional filters, the beads do not filter mechanically. The ceramic modifies the molecular structure of the water so that the pearls do not become loaded and do not need to be cleaned. Therefore, they can last up to 10 years without needing to be replaced. 

The ceramic balls are produced directly in Japan and measure 9mm in diameter and 11mm in height. They are made from Kibushi clay which becomes ceramic when fired between 800° and 1300°C.

They have a life span of 10 years as long as they are well maintained, remain submerged if not used and are not damaged. 

How to use ceramic beads

The use of ceramic beads is extremely simple. 

  • Simply place them at the bottom of a carafe of water. We count 10 pearls for 1 liter. Then, wait 30 minutes before consuming the water. 
  • If you wish to take purified water with you, it is recommended to drink it within 4 to 6 hours to continue to benefit from its properties. 
  • If you have a water bottle, it is possible to put some inside. 

When not in use, it is recommended that the ceramic beads be fully immersed in a pool of water to keep them active.

Purify your water with carbon

Charcoal sticks allow to purify water efficiently. Made of activated charcoal from ubamegashi oak wood, they filter water by absorbing all the micro-particles that are harmful to health. Thus, toxins, lead, chlorine, mercury, cadmium, nitrates are eliminated from your tap water in a totally natural way.

How activated carbon works

Le charbon actif a une structure poreuse qui lui confère la capacité de fixer certaines molécules dont les métaux lourds. Cette capacité d'absorption est reconnue depuis des siècles en Egypte Antique, en Inde et en Chine avant l'Europe. 

Le charbon actif ne présente aucun danger pour la santé. Il est également consommé pour soulager certains cas de troubles digestifs tels que les ballonnements. 

Read more

activated carbon water filter.

How to use activated carbon sticks

The use of charcoal sticks is very simple. 

All you need to do is :

  • boil the charcoal stick for 10 minutes then air dry

  • pour water into a carafe

  • place the charcoal stick in the water at a rate of 1 stick per 1.1 L of water

  • leave to act for 4 to 6 hours

  • your water is ready for consumption

The charcoal stick has a lifespan of about 3 months. After this period, its effectiveness tends to decrease. However, it should not be thrown away with the household garbage! It has its place in the compost or as fertilizer at the feet of your plants. 

Ecological and economical solutions for good water

Although the water that comes directly into your kitchen is drinkable, it is still contaminated with various toxins and heavy metals. Bottled mineral water represents a financial and ecological cost. Ceramic beads and activated carbon are sustainable and effective natural solutions to purify your water without breaking the bank while limiting your impact on the planet. 

Alexia Bernard 14 October, 2022
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